Zoo’s Surveillance Photo Has Gone Viral After It Catches A Creepy-Looking Visitor

@CityofAmarillo via Twitter

Many public and private locations have surveillance cameras. This is a normal part of a security system and can be a helpful way to make sure no person, animal or anything else is up to something it shouldn’t be doing and that everything is as it should be.

A couple months ago, the Amarillo Zoo spotted an unusual and rather creepy looking visitor on their surveillance footage. An image from the footage was then shared on Twitter by the City of Amarillo. The post was simple. It asked, “Do you have any ideas of what this UAO- Unidentified Amarillo Object could be?”

The creature in the image is in the distance and hard to see clearly especially since it’s on the other side of the fence. As the City of Amarillo’s tweet suggests, it does kind of look like a person in a strange hat, but it also looks like it could possibly be something else.

The post quickly went viral with many people on Twitter sharing their serious and humorous ideas of what exactly this creature might be. One person suggested Rocket Raccoon from Guardians of the Galaxy. Yeah, we can see it.

Other Twitter users suggested it might be an alien of some sort.

Yet others suggested it might be a pokemon character.

Some viewers didn’t want to play the game of guessing what the creature might be. Instead, they took the serious, disbelieving approach and claimed that the photo is fake.


What do you think the creature in the surveillance footage really is? Do you think this is a real photo, or do you think it was photoshopped?