If You Have One Of These Last Names, You May Be Related To Royalty

You may not feel like royalty, but you might be related to royalty without even knowing it. Many famous royals had surprisingly common and normal-sounding last names. This may be surprising at first because we often don’t talk about the last names of royalty. We often refer to them by their first names, such as King Charles III.

Unless you know your family history very, very well, back generations upon generations, there’s a chance you’re of royal lineage and don’t even know it. According to Little Things, if you have one of the following last names, your chances of being related to royalty just went way up.

English Royalty

If you have the last name Adams, you could be related to William the Conqueror, who ruled England from 1066 to 1087. One of his descendants was actually a President of the United States, John Quincy Adams.

If your last name is Lewis, you could also be related to English royalty. Your ancestor could be Edmund Ironside, who was king of England from April to November 1016. Yes, it was a short reign, but it still counts.

Roberts, Harrison and Elliott are also last names that could mean you’re related to English royalty. If your last name is Roberts, you could be related to Edward I, who was the king of England from 1272 to 1307. If your last name is Harrison, you could be related to Alfred the Great who was the king of England from 871 to 899. If your last name is Elliott, you could be related to King Edward III who was the king of England from 1327 to 1377.

Welsh Royalty

If your last name is Carter, you could be related to Rhys ap Gruffydd who was the Prince of South Wales from 1155 to 1197.

Irish Royalty

If your last name is O’Brien, you could be related to Brian Boru who was the high king of Ireland from 1002 to 1014.

Scottish Royalty

If your last name is Livingston, you could also be Scottish royalty. Your royal ancestor could be James I who was the king of Scotland from 1406 to 1437. Former New York City mayor Edward Livingston (who was born in 1764) was one of his relatives.

If your last name is Watts or Boyd, you could also be related Scottish royalty. If your last names is Watts, you could be related to Robert II who was the king of Scotland from 1371 to 1390. If your last name is Boyd, you could be related to Robert the Bruce who was the king of Scotland from 1306 to 1329.

French Royalty

If your last name is Thomas, you might be related to the French king, Hugh Capet who ruled from 987 to 996. There’s proof that his ancestors made it across the pond to the United States. One of his descendants is Philip Evan Thomas who was born in New York City in 1834.

Meanwhile, if your last name is Phillips, chances are you could be related to King Henry I, who ruled France from 1027 to 1060.

Norwegian Royalty

If your last name is Fischer, you could be related to Norwegian king Olaf II Haraldsson, who was the king of Norway from 1015 to 1028.

Byzantine Empire

Montgomery is also a royal name from the Byzantine Empire. If your last name is Montgomery, you could be related to Romanus II who ruled from 959 to 963.

Do you have a royal last name?

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