Woman Lost 185 Pounds In Just One Year By Focusing on 24 Hours at a Time

If you’ve long since given up (or forgotten about) your New Year’s resolution to lose weight or change your unhealthy eating habits, we might have found the motivation you’ve been looking for – yet another amazing weight loss success story that doesn’t involve setting foot in a gym. No, we’re not talking about working out at home or taking long walks or going hiking either. We’re talking about a couple simple diet changes. That’s it.

We’ve seen many stories of weight loss that revolve around diet changes. One recent one involves the “10 day challenge” that was made popular by J.Lo and A-Rod. Turns out you can really drop weight in 10 days just by committing to the challenge.

If you have more than a few pounds that you’d like to lose, you might only need one year if you can commit to cutting out added sugar. At least, that’s what worked for Maggie Wells.

At 34-years-old, Maggie’s weight tipped the scales at 300 pounds. She knew her weight was unhealthy, but what worried her the most was that if something happened to her, her kids wouldn’t even have any photos to remember her by. You see, Maggie didn’t like the way she looked, so she was hardly ever in a picture with her kids. In fact, she told Good Morning America, “My son was 6 at the time and I think we had two pictures together.”

Maggie decided to make some changes. Starting in January 2018, she cut back on carbs and eliminated all added sugar from her diet. It only took her a month to lose 24 pounds.

Wow! Talk about inspiring! If we lost 24 pounds in one month, we think we’d be motivated to keep going too!

Instead of looking at a long-term weight loss goal, Maggie just took it day by day, and she didn’t deprive herself either. She told GMA, “I would tell myself, ‘I only have to get through the next 24 hours. If I want [a specific food or drink] at this time tomorrow, I’ll allow myself to have it.”

Eventually, Maggie switched to the Keto diet. She couldn’t afford any expensive food or eating plans, so she focused on eating eggs, vegetables, and meat.

One year later, Maggie lost a total of 185 pounds. She said, “I feel like I’m 15 years younger.” Now that she’s at a healthy weight, she wants to start incorporating exercise into her lifestyle.

In a complete about face, not only does Maggie feel confident in photos, but she posts inspiring pictures of her weight loss journey on Facebook. She doesn’t edit them either. She wants to show what extreme weight loss really looks like, excess skin and all.

What she loves the most about losing the weight is that she can be active with her kids and enjoy being a part of their lives instead of just watching them.

Way to go, Maggie! Does Maggie’s story inspire you to change your diet?