Wording Of Couple’s Wedding Invitation Sparks Outrage

Mary von Aue via Twitter

Getting invited to a wedding can be exciting—now you have a guaranteed fun evening ahead, and it’s likely for a couple you’re good friends with and are excited for.

However, what if you received a letter in your invitation stating that the venue has capacity concerns, and explaining that because of limited seating, you’re not actually invited to the wedding until the first group of people RSVP, and, ideally, make room for you?

One woman recently posted a picture of a letter that she received alongside her wedding invite for a friend, explaining that because of space, their wedding guest were divided into two separate groups—Group A and Group B/C.

If you were in Group A, that meant you were a first-choice guest, but if you replied no, someone from Group B&C could potentially take your place. “Please RSVP as soon as possible,” the couple wrote to Group A-ers. “We appreciate your promptness as we will be able to extend any vacant seats to additional guests.”

If you’re in Group B&C, well, you’re not even technically invited until someone from Group A declines. “Please keep a close watch on our wedding website for notice that we have space available,” the couple wrote explaining this group. “If you already know that you are unable to join us, it is helpful that you decline via the RSVP function on our website.”

Luckily, the woman who posted the photo was in Group A—but she still couldn’t believe this was a real thing.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, the note also mentioned that no kids were allowed, and if you were a parent, you had to find a babysitter for the night. “If possible, we encourage our guests to hire a babysitter for the night and leave your children at home,” it said. As much as we love your kids, we are doing our best to make space for all of the guests we can.”

But wait—there’s more! This couple also asked all of their single friends to not bring a plus one. “We appreciate your understanding,” they ended the note.

Really, the nerve of it all. People couldn’t believe real live humans had the decency to add this in with their wedding invites. Most people responded with some hilarious sarcasm:

“Attendance at our wedding is very busy right now but your attendance at our wedding is very important to us,” someone wrote.

“StubHub is down and I’m trying to scalp tickets to the singles table,” another joked.

“I’d just send this response, ‘I opt out of this & all future correspondence. Thanks!’” another suggested.

What would you do if you received this letter with a wedding invite?