The Value Of Anne Heche’s Estate Has Been Revealed, And You Might Be Surprised By How Much She Was Worth At The Time Of Her Death
Imagine just being 13 years old when you find out that your mom, who you live with, has died in a fiery car crash. She fights for her life, but in the end, she doesn’t survive. Then, to make things even worse, your estranged older brother locks you out of your apartment that you shared with your mother and doesn’t even let you in to get your clothes or your laptop. According to James Tupper, that is exactly what is happening to his son, Atlas.
Back in August, actress Anne Heche died after crashing her car into a home in a residential neighborhood in Los Angeles. She eventually died in the hospital.
After Heche’s death, her older son, Homer, locked his half-brother, Atlas, out of the apartment where Heche and Atlas lived. This is a problem for several reason. One, obviously it was Atlas’s home, and even though he is now living with his father, he would like to be able to go inside to get his belongings. Two, Heche’s belongings are inside too, and there’s a chance that Homer may remove or even sell her belongings without Atlas’s notice when, according to Judge Lee R. Bogdanoff, the belongings, and the entire estate, should be split between the two children 50/50.
Homer filed court documents in September to ask the court to appoint him administrator of his mother’s estate. Tupper also filed court documents explaining that he doesn’t think Homer is fit to be in charge of the estate and worries that if Homer is in charge Atlas won’t get his fair share.
The case went to court. Homer didn’t even bother to show up, but the judge still decided in his favor, at least, for now. He told Tupper and Atlas, who were present in the courtroom, that Homer will probably be administrator, and is in charge for now, but with that being said, Homer and Atlas are intended to each have 50% of the estate.
According to court documents, the estate is worth $400,000. Homer arrived at this number by adding up “a few modest bank accounts, royalty payments and other income, a corporation in which the Decedent was the sole shareholder (used for projects in development and business functions related to her career in film, including a modest bank account and royalty payments).” According to the court documents, Heche did not own a home or other property but was renting an apartment. The only other income is potential income from a memoir called “Call Me Anne” that Heche wrote and that is set to be published in January 2023. In addition, there is her share of profits from the “Better Together” podcast.
The judge told Tupper that he has until October 20th to file an objection to his ruling. Another hearing is scheduled for November 30th.