Would You Try What Some Are Calling The Grossest Ice Cream Flavor Ever?
We probably all have a favorite ice-cream flavor, one you tend to choose more than any other flavor. Perhaps it’s an easy to find flavor like chocolate or strawberry. Perhaps it’s something a little bit fancier like cookies ‘n cream or rocky road. Perhaps you’re more adventurous and like to try unusual ice-cream flavors. We have one you need to know about.
Ice-cream company Van Leeuwen produces quite a few ice-cream flavors including traditional flavors and more unusual mashups. For example, the company has produced flavors like pizza and hot honey. Not sure we’d like either of those, but if you like eating cold pizza, perhaps that one would sound appealing.
Another interesting flavor Van Leeuwen created was in partnership with Kraft. This flavor was originally in limited release. While some considered it gross, others raved that it was delicious. What’s the flavor? Kraft macaroni and cheese ice-cream.
If you grew up eating Kraft macaroni and cheese, and if you also enjoy a bowl of cold, creamy ice-cream, than you just might love this ice-cream flavor. However, if you’re not a huge mac and cheese fan, or if you don’t think mac and cheese makes sense as an ice-cream flavor, you might be a little bit more hesitant to try it. That’s ok.
BuzzFeed had three brave people try the Kraft mac and cheese ice-cream. One of the participants admitted that she doesn’t like Kraft mac and cheese, yet she bravely tried the ice-cream anyway. Another participant admitted that he loves Kraft mac and cheese, and he was excited to try it. A third participant wasn’t a huge fan of Kraft mac and cheese but didn’t hate it either. Watch the video below to see their reactions to the unusual ice-cream flavor.
If you want to try Kraft mac and cheese ice-cream for yourself, you can look for it at your local Walmart. Van Leeuwen has released the flavor in Walmart stores in all 50 states.
Ben Van Leeuwen, co-founder and CEO of the ice-cream company, told Food & Wine that the company decided to sell the ice-cream exclusively at Walmart because they wanted it to be “widely available on the market.”
Van Leeuwen’s official description for the Kraft macaroni and cheese flavor explains, “If this reminds you of the ice cream you grew up with, you might be out of your mind. If this reminds you of the comforting bowl of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese you grew up with, you’re getting warmer. Because did we make this ice cream with that buttery, sweet iconic cheese? You bet.”
Do you think Kraft macaroni and cheese ice-cream sounds delicious or gross? Did you grow up eating Kraft mac and cheese? What’s your favorite ice-cream flavor?