Wife Wants to Know If She’s a Jerk After Husband Misses His Flight Because She Didn’t Pack His Suitcase

Being married means you set the rules for your own life together. The clincher is you both have to agree to those rules!

One wife got on Reddit to vent about her husband. Normally, the two have an agreement that he’s able to count on her to help him prepare for work trips, since he’s the breadwinner and travels every few months for his job. However, for one recent trip, there was no good reason why he couldn’t do it himself.

“The day of the trip he saw me carrying the laundry basket and said, ‘hey can you pack my bag?’” she wrote in her post. “I asked why he didn’t do it the night before and he said he was up all night playing fortnite.”

Well, that doesn’t seem like a valid work excuse, does it?

When she asked why he couldn’t pack at that moment, he told her that he had to “go catch up with the boys before I leave the country.”

Naturally, the wife told him no—that he should pack himself. She was also pretty busy dealing with laundry and cooking and helping the kids with their homework, among many other household tasks. When she told him that he stays home to pack his own bag and help around the house, he was not having it.

“He complained about missing the boys and wanting to see them one last time and say goodbye before he leaves,” she said. “He begged, but I said no.”

Soon, he finally went inside the bedroom, and the wife thought he was packing. However, he grabbed his phone, keys and jacket and left the home. When he got back at nearly 6 p.m., he had the audacity to ask his wife why his bag wasn’t packed and ready for him.

She had never agreed to packing, and held strong, telling him to do it himself. “He got upset and started packing,” she explained, adding that “his stuff was all over the place and he couldn’t even find his papers. He was finally done and left.”

However, not long later, he called his wife angry saying that he missed his flight, just like she “wanted.” He then got home and blamed her for “costing him his business trip, which was supposed to earn him money and made him look unreliable/unprofessional and compromised his work after I refused to do him this small favor and pack his bag,”

At the end of the post, she asks the world of Reddit: Is she the jerk or is he? Many people thought were unanimous in thinking he was the jerk!

“Why is your husband behaving like a five year old child?” someone asked.

“I would have packed ALL his bags after that,” someone else said. “He can go stay with his friends for a little. He sees you slaving away and this is how he acts?”

“I would consider counseling,” someone else advised.

What do you think—who is the jerk in this particular situation?

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