7 Sneaky Reasons You’re Always Cold

It’s not winter but you’re still chilly. You’re chilly at the office, when you’re at home in Netflix-and-chill mode, or having lunch outside in the park and it is 77° outside. Though you’ve gotten used to it, friends and family tease you and don’t understand why.

It turns out you may not be so sure either. So, what’s going on? You know there’s nothing wrong with the thermostat in your house, and it’s not winter. If you’re cold all the time, there could be a number of health conditions behind the cause.

Here are a handful of reasons why you experience an uncomfortable chill even when there’s none in the air.


  1. Anemia

    Having low iron stores can leave you shivering when your red blood cells aren’t getting what they need. Anemia can cause you to have a low red blood cell count, and they’re needed to carry oxygen throughout the body. This is further connected to having poor circulation and thus, feeling cold.

    See a physician to be checked for anemia. It can be corrected with prescriptions, supplements, or diet.

  2. Thyroid

    A sluggish thyroid could be behind your chilly body sensations. Your thyroid is responsible for producing hormones that regulate your metabolism and body temperature, but hypothyroidism could be messing up the system.

    In addition to feeling cold, you may also notice weight gain, hair loss, fatigue, and dry skin. Visit a doc immediately for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

  3. Dehydration

    Not having enough water in the body can impact your blood circulation, affecting your body heat. Stay hydrated so your blood can flow properly and warm up your body efficiently. It’s recommended to drink half your body weight in ounces of water, so keep that in mind whether it’s a cold or warm season.

  4. You’re Female

    Though on average women’s body temperatures are slightly warmer than men’s, they also more sensitive to the cold. This has to do with hormones and less muscle mass, but women tend to feel the cold pinch more in the extremities and there’s not much you can do. That’s why your hands, feet, or ears catch it!

  5. Low on B12

    This one is tricky, looking and feeling like anemia when it’s really a vitamin B-12 deficiency. Symptoms include feeling cold, lethargic, or numbness. Have your levels checked and up your intake through food or supplements.

  6. Sleep Deprivation

    Not getting enough sleep can slow down your metabolism, leading to a lower body temp. Missing out on those z’s can cause temperature fluctuations, making you feel chilly and normal throughout the day.

  7. Underweight

    Without enough fat or muscle on the body, you won’t generate enough heat to stay warm. You need calories, fat, and a healthy metabolism to keep your blood flowing to your heart, organs, and extremities. If you’re underweight, you may also be experiencing fatigue, lowered immunity, and nutritional deficiencies. If you’re unsure why your weight is low, see a physician to be checked out for diabetes or a thyroid issue.

Pay attention to your symptoms and seek a doctor’s intervention if you suspect a serious health condition. It’s not fun being cold in the summertime!

Are you cold all the time? What have you learned about the cause of your shivers? Which of these conditions do you know or think you have?