More Sad Rod Stewart News

Rod Stewart has been no stranger to sad news this year. First, his brother Don Stewart died. Just 2 days later, Queen Elizabeth II died. Then, less than two months after his first brother died, he also announced that his other brother, Bob Stewart, had also died.

Now, Stewart is dealing with more bad news, and this time it involves his 11 year old son. Thankfully, his son did not die, but he did get taken to the hospital by ambulance.

Stewart shared that his son, Aiden, was playing in a soccer match, and all of a sudden he was “going blue and unconscious.” At first, everyone thought Aiden was having a heart attack, and he was taken to the hospital by an ambulance.

It turned out that it wasn’t a heart attack at all. It was a panic attack. Stewart explained, “We thought my boy had a heart attack. He was going blue and was unconscious until he calmed down. It was scary, but it turned out to be a panic attack.” Stewart added that the reason for the panic attack was because Aiden “wanted to do well…for his dad.”

According to the Mayo Clinic, when a person is having a panic attack, it’s common for them to think that they might be having a heart attack or even dying. Panic attacks tend to occur when the person feels intense fear but there is no real danger present. Symptoms include a feeling that something bad is going to happen, rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, sweating, chest pain, nausea, dizziness and shaking.

As scary as this incident was, Aiden is fine now. Unfortunately, there was another boy at the match who was also taken to the hospital by an ambulance, and he has not returned to the soccer field since. Stewart explained, “Another boy fell backwards and banged his head — he’s still not back. In all of my days watching football, that’s the only time two ambulances had been called.”

Stewart has a total of 8 children, so he is no stranger to parenting. His oldest child, his daughter Sarah, is now 59 years old, and she was given up for adoption by Stewart and his ex-girlfriend, Susannah Boffey. They were only teenagers at the time. Stewart went on to have two children with his ex-wife Alana Stewart, a daughter named Kimberly who is now 43 years old, and a son named Sean who is currently 42 years old. Then he his ex-girlfriend Kelly Emberg had a child together, a daughter named Ruby who is currently 35 years old. After marrying his now ex-wife, Rachel Hunter, the couple had two children together, a daughter named Renee who is now 30 years old and a son named Liam who is 28 years old. With his current wife, Penny Lancaster, Stewart has who more children, a son named Alastair who is 17 years old, and his youngest child, his son Aiden, who is 11 years old.