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Getting divorced can be quite difficult, emotional and time-consuming especially when children are involved and the soon to be former spouses can’t agree on things like how to split up the property and child custody.

After 18 years of marriage, Kevin Costner’s wife, Christine Baumgartner filed for divorce. She claimed the divorce was necessary due to “irreconcilable differences.” 

Before the couple tied the know back in 2003, Baumgartner signed a prenuptial agreement, but now, she is challenging some of the things that she originally agreed to including where she can and cannot live.

Baumgartner has refused to move out of one of Costner’s homes, a home that Costner’s legal team claims she originally agreed would remain Costner’s property no matter what happened to their marriage.

The home in question is in Carpinteria, California, near Santa Barbara. Documents prepared by Costner’s legal team explain that “Christine has not moved out, despite multiple requests that she do so and despite Kevin’s offers to assist her financially in relocating to a new residence.” She also doesn’t plan on moving out “unless and until Kevin agrees to various financial demands.” One of those demands may be spousal support which she originally opted out of when she signed the prenup.

In the documents, Costner explains that he was very clear with Baumgartner why he needed this home to remain his and that she agreed to it. The document reads, “I was married once before and, upon separation, l found myself without a home base and unable to live in my own home. I never wanted this to happen again. Because of the nature of my work, I am frequently out of town; it is therefore particularly important to me that when I am home, I have a home to go to. Thus, when Christine and I began discussing marriage in 2003, l made it clear to her that I would not marry again without clarity that my separate property residences would remain mine to live in no matter what happened in our marriage. Christine acknowledged to me at the time that she understood the importance of this to me and she agreed to this provision.”

According to the documents, Costner has offered to pay Baumgarnter’s moving expenses and has also offered to pay her $38,000 a month on top of $30,000 in child support. Costner and Baumgarnter have three children, 16 year old Cayden, 14 year old Hayes and 13 year old Grace.

Watch the video below to hear some of what Costner has learned in his 68 years on Earth.

Do you think Baumgarnter will eventually agree to move out of Costner’s home? Do you think she will be successful in getting “various financial demands” by refusing to leave his home?