Man with Tattoo Attempts Starbucks Abduction, Caught on Video
Many people rely on places like Starbucks for a morning dose of caffeine on their way to work. Many of these people may prefer to go through the drive-thru to pick up their coffee so they can quickly get back on the road and continue on their way.
Many Starbucks locations open pretty early in the morning to accommodate patrons who want a cup of coffee to help them wake up. That means that sometimes Starbucks is open even before the sun comes out.
One barista was working at the drive-thru at a Starbucks location in Washington state fairly early in the morning. What started as a typical work day for her ending up being quite dramatic.
Surveillance video from the Starbucks location shows a pickup truck parked at the drive-thru. The barista reaches her arm through the drive-thru window, and it appears that she is holding cash. At this point, we can only assume that the driver already paid for his order and she is attempting to give him back his change.
The driver reaches his arm through the car window, but instead of taking the cash from the barista, he grabs the barista’s arm around her wrist and pulls, apparently trying to pull her through the drive-thru window. With his other hand, he holds what the police are calling “a looped ziptie device” to try to grab her other hand as she fights him off.
Thankfully, the barista was able to successfully fight off the driver and close the drive-thru window. The driver then pulls away, dropping cash on the ground. It was all caught on security footage and later shared on social media by the police department in an attempt to try to find the driver.
The Auburn Police Department is asking for any information to help identify a suspect that attempted to abduct a barista during the early morning hours of 1/16/2023.
— Auburn WA Police Dept (@AuburnWAPolice) January 17, 2023
Police also shared a close-up of the driver’s tattoo which they hoped would help make it easier to track him down.
If anyone has any information on the identity of this suspect, please contact the Auburn PD Tip Line at 253-288-7403.
— Auburn WA Police Dept (@AuburnWAPolice) January 17, 2023
Thankfully, the police were able to find and arrest the suspect.
According to the police, the incident took place around 5am, and the barista was working alone at that time. Kolby Crossley, a spokesperson for the Auburn police department, told CBS News, “They are in vulnerable positions because they’re usually controlling those spots by themselves at early hours in the morning when it’s dark outside, but this barista did an awesome job of protecting herself and fighting this person off.”