Magician Facing 16 Sexual Misconduct Allegations

David Copperfield, one of the most famous magicians in the world, has faced multiple allegations of sexual misconduct over the years. These allegations have cast a shadow over his career and span from four decades. Each incident has generated significant media attention and public scrutiny. Lately, he is facing new allegations.

The illusionist is under an extensive investigation conducted by The Guardian’s U.S. edition, published this week. The investigation reviews  the allegations of several women who claim Copperfield sexually assaulted them or behaved in an inappropriate manner while they were interacting.

In all, there have been 16 women who have formally accused of sexual abuse and lewd conduct which includes charges of grooming, groping, rape and drugging. The women in this investigation have been protected with pseudonyms.

Copperfield’s Attorneys have denied all of the allegations and claim Copperfield would not have acted inappropriately with anyone, including underage girls.

The first major allegation against Copperfield occurred in 2007. A former Miss Washington USA, Lacey L. Carroll, accused Copperfield of sexually assaulting her on his private island in the Bahamas. Carroll claimed that Copperfield had invited her to his island under the pretense of a job opportunity. According to Carroll, once there, she was raped by the magician. This accusation led to an FBI investigation, during which Copperfield’s properties were searched. However, in 2010, Carroll dropped her lawsuit against Copperfield and later faced her own legal troubles, including charges of prostitution and making false accusations in a separate incident . The federal investigation was subsequently closed without any charges being filed against Copperfield.

Years later, in 2018, Copperfield faced another wave of allegations amid the broader #MeToo movement. Brittany Lewis, a former aspiring model, accused Copperfield of drugging and assaulting her in 1988 when she was 17 years old. Lewis alleged that Copperfield invited her to one of his shows in California and later to a party where he gave her a drink that caused her to black out. She claimed to have woken up to find herself being assaulted by Copperfield. Copperfield denied the allegations, issuing a statement in which he emphasized the importance of not rushing to judgment, especially in the climate of the #MeToo movement. He asserted his innocence, stating that he had always been respectful and law-abiding .

Copperfield’s legal team also highlighted inconsistencies in Lewis’s story and pointed out that she had waited decades to come forward with her allegations. They suggested that the delay and lack of supporting evidence cast doubt on the credibility of her claims. Nonetheless, the allegations were serious and added to the growing list of high-profile men accused of sexual misconduct during that period .

These allegations have undoubtedly affected Copperfield’s public image, though his career has continued. Copperfield continued to claim his innocence and kept up his  performances in Las Vegas. His shows still bring in large audiences. He remains one of the highest-paid magicians in the world and has a substantial fan base. Despite the controversy, Copperfield’s professional life has not seen a significant downturn, and he has continued to receive accolades for his contributions to the art of illusion.

The allegations against David Copperfield highlight the complex intersection of celebrity, power, and accountability. They raise important questions about how accusations of sexual misconduct are handled in the court of public opinion and the actual legal system. While Copperfield has not been convicted of any crimes, the allegations have sparked discussions about the behavior of powerful men and the challenges faced by those who come forward with accusations of sexual assault.