Kraft Heinz Sued by Woman Claiming Mac & Cheese Takes Over 3.5 Mins to Make

TipHero Media

If you have children, you probably know that they can be quite particular, or perhaps we could call it picky, about what they eat and when they eat it. Nobody wants to be around a cranky toddler who missed his or her snack, and don’t even get us started on how that toddler may react if his or her favorite snack is not available.

One popular food among kids and adults is mac and cheese. Perhaps you grew up with your mom making homemade mac and cheese baked in the oven or cooked on the stove. Perhaps you grew up with the cheesy goodness known as Kraft mac ‘n cheese. Either way, many people love mac and cheese and tend to have a favorite.

If you’re a busy parent whose kids love mac and cheese, chances are that you might reach for whatever looks like it would be the quickest to prepare. How does “ready in 3.5 minutes” sound? Pretty good, right?

Kraft Heinz has a product on store shelves called Velveeta Shells & Cheese. This product is very similar to the traditional Kraft mac ‘n cheese, but the noodles look like shells, and, according to the product packaging, it is ready to eat in just 3.5 minutes.

One woman in Florida is suing Kraft Heinz for fraud because of their false claim that the food is ready to eat in just 3.5 minutes, when, in fact, it is not. Actually, there are multiple steps in order to prepare the product, and just one of those steps, the part where you put it in the microwave, is 3.5 minutes.

According to the lawsuit, “To provide consumers with a Product that is actually ready in 3½ minutes the Product would need to be cooked in the microwave for less than 3-and-a-half minutes, so that all the preparation steps could be completed in the 3-and-a-half minutes timeframe.” In addition, the lawsuit explains, “Consumers seeing ‘ready in 3½ minutes’ will believe it represents the total amount of time it takes to prepare the Product; however, the directions outlined above show that 3-and-a-half minutes is just the length of time to complete one of several steps. The label does not state the Product takes ‘3½ minutes to cook in the microwave,’ which would have been true.”

In a statement, Kraft Heinz called the lawsuit “frivolous.”

Do you think the lawsuit is “frivolous”? Do you think Kraft Heinz should change the wording on the package to make it clear that the product needs to be in the microwave for 3.5 minutes instead of claiming it’s ready in 3.5 minutes?