How to Frugally Solve Beauty Blunders

DIY beauty treatments can save you a lot of money by keeping you out of the salon or spa, but they also sometimes have the potential to backfire. Lifescript has a few frugal problem solvers for when you have a minor beauty disaster. Here are a few of them:

  • Curing a Rash Caused by a New Product: have you ever suffered from redness or inflamed skin as a result of a new beauty product you just wanted to try out? Active ingredients like retinols, benzoyl peroxide and glycolic acid could be culprits. To combat them, brew a chamomile tea, let it cool and then soak cotton pads in the cool tea. Squeeze extra liquid from pad and place on affected area for about 10 minutes to soothe.
  • Looking Orange After Using Self-Tanner?: if the warm glow you were looking to achieve turned into an orange glow, try taking a bath with a cup of fresh lemon juice added into the water. This is most effective if done as soon as possible. Soak for 20 minutes and the lemon juice will help cut the color and product buildup.
  • DIY Hair Care Made Your Hair Dry: to remedy any dryness in the hair from straightening, perming, coloring, bleaching, etc, try mixing your favorite conditioner with a teaspoon of olive or jojoba oil. Apply this to your hair while dry, cover with a shower cap and sleep on it. Rinse the next morning.

Find more beauty problem solvers over at 7 Top Beauty Blunder – Solved!