Easter is less than a week away, and you might be wondering how you can make it extra special for your kids. The coronavirus pandemic has changed our usual Easter plans (that’s an understatement), but Easter is not canceled.

While we can’t go to church in our Sunday best, we can dress up and watch an Easter service online (or stay in our pjs). While we can’t join friends for brunch, we can have brunch at home as a family and video chat with our friends. While we can’t go to an Easter egg hunt, we can have an Easter egg hunt without even leaving our home.

We’ve rounded up some great Easter craft ideas for kids and twists on the traditional Easter egg hunt. One of our favorite ideas is to turn the hunt into a scavenger hunt.

Elle from What’s Up Moms has made it super easy for all us to create an epic scavenger hunt for our kids on Easter. Instead of setting the Easter baskets where the kids can easily find them, she created a series of clues for her kids to follow.

What makes this scavenger hunt extra exciting is the optional idea of leaving a fun surprise for the kids next to each clue. For example, the first clue leads the kids to the shower in the bathroom where there’s an egg-shaped bath bomb for each kid. 

You don’t have to go above and beyond to leave a toy or surprise with every clue, but if you’re up for it, we’re sure no kid would complain about extra surprises. Either way, kids will have fun running around the house looking for their Easter baskets.

Don’t worry; you don’t have to be super creative to come up with clues for an Easter scavenger hunt. We know your brain might already be working overtime with the kids at home and distance learning becoming the new way of life. Elle has done all of the work for us. Simply copy her clues and/or adapt them to places you can hide things in your home.

Watch the video below to see how much fun your kids will have on their very own Easter scavenger hunt!

What did you think of this genius scavenger hunt idea? We might modify it slightly so we’re not running around the house so much, but, on the other hand, maybe it wouldn’t hurt to get a little exercise before digging into the candy!

Are you going to set up a scavenger hunt for your kids? How do you usually celebrate Easter? How are you planning to celebrate this year?

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