Bonnie Chapman, daughter of reality star Dog the Bounty Hunter and his late wife Beth Chapman, has struggled with her weight throughout her adult life. For years, she battled with various diets, including the Mediterranean and Paleo regimens, yet saw little lasting success.
“I’ve been trying to lose weight since I was probably 18 years old,” Bonnie confessed in an exclusive interview with E! News. “And it was just very frustrating to constantly be trying, constantly putting in the work.”
After years of trying different methods, Bonnie finally found something that worked for her—injectable weight management medication, Tirzepatide. Her journey to weight loss took a new turn after she initially tried the popular diabetes medication Ozempic, only to dislike it due to nausea.
“I hated it, like, I could not eat without feeling nauseous,” she recalled. But after speaking with her healthcare provider and receiving the scientific backing she needed, Bonnie decided to give Tirzepatide a shot. “Once I talked to my provider and I felt like my concerns were actually being addressed… that made me more at ease.”
Within just two weeks of starting the medication in December, Bonnie saw remarkable results. “I lost, like, 10 pounds,” she shared, noting how her friends and family started noticing her progress. “At first I didn’t really notice the changes. I’m stepping on a scale and I’m seeing the numbers go down, but I’m looking at myself and I’m like, ‘Where do I see it?'”
However, the changes became clear when others pointed out specific transformations. “You used to have a little bit more of something at the top of your stomach, and it’s flattened out,” one friend remarked. Bonnie expressed her gratitude for the honesty, stating, “I’ve seen how it is to not have enough time. And I don’t want anybody to think, ‘If I had said something to her, she would still be here, she would have taken that step.'” While Bonnie worried that the medication would make her feel sick, her doctor prescribed an anti-nausea medication, which helped her manage any discomfort. “As soon as I took that, I would be fine for the rest of the week,” Bonnie explained. The medication also curbed her cravings, helping her eat smaller portions and feel more satisfied. “Once I started to see that I was getting full a lot less quickly, I was able to actually eat half a portion of my meal,” Bonnie said.
Bonnie’s weight loss success led her to surpass her original goal weight, reaching 126 pounds. “I wanted to go for a number that’s not entirely too low, I just wanted to be at a number that I was when I felt good,” she shared.
Now that she’s achieved her desired weight, Bonnie focuses on maintaining it while avoiding certain foods that were once her weakness. “The thing that helped me gain the most weight was sushi,” she noted, adding that she now limits sushi to once or twice a month. “A lot of the things that I found that I really liked are not healthy for me, and I won’t sacrifice my health for a nice sweet treat.”
Bonnie has also found healthy alternatives to satisfy her cravings, such as homemade kale chips and fresh berries. “With Tirzepatide, I was full after a handful or two,” she said. “It helped me feel full and fulfilled.”
Reflecting on her body transformation, Bonnie expressed how relieved she is to finally shed the years of stress surrounding her weight. “When I look at the scale, I’m not dreading it,” she admitted. “I’m not looking at those numbers and overanalyzing them.”
But despite this newfound calm, she still enjoys seeing her hard work pay off. “The last time I really felt good was when I was probably in high school,” Bonnie recalled. “And I was like, if I can get to this weight, then I’ll be happy. I was ecstatic when I reached that goal. I just felt like I was finally me again.”