Beach Boys Suffering from Major Health Issue, Days After Wife Passes Away
Beach Boys singer Brian Wilson recently dealt with the devastating loss of his wife Melinda. The couple had been married for 28 years before she died.
Following her death, the BBC reports that Wilson’s family filed court documents requesting that a conservatorship be put in place for Wilson who is 81 years old and suffering from “neurocognitive disorder,” which can be compared to dementia.
In the documents, one of Wilson’s doctors described him as “easily distracted, often even when aware of surroundings.” The doctor added the Wilson also “often makes spontaneous irrelevant or incoherent utterances.”
In addition, the court documents claim that Wilson is “unable to properly provide for his own personal needs for physical health, food, clothing, or shelter.”
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On February 15, 2024, Wilson’s family officially announced the conservatorship news on Wilson’s Instagram account. The family explained, “Following the passing of Brian’s beloved wife Melinda, after careful consideration and consultation among Brian, his seven children, Gloria Ramos and Brian’s doctors (and consistent with family processes put in place by Brian and Melinda), we are confirming that longtime Wilson family representatives LeeAnn Hard and Jean Sievers will serve as Brian’s co-conservators of the person.”
The family’s statement went on to explain that the goal of the conservatorship is “to ensure that there will be no extreme changes to the household and Brian and the children living at home will be taken care of and remain in the home where they are cared for by Gloria Ramos.”
The family emphasized that the goal of the conservatorship is not to limit Wilson’s enjoyment of life. They explained, “Brian will be able to enjoy all of his family and friends and continue to work on current projects as well as participate in any activities he chooses.”
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This is not the first time Wilson has been put under a conservatorship. Back in the 1990s, due to his drug use, he ended up having a nervous breakdown and stopped touring. He was also heavily influenced by psychologist Eugene Landy, whom he named as chief beneficiary in his will back in 1989. The Superior Court of Santa Monica ordered Landy to remove himself from Wilson’s life and appointed an independent conservator over Wilson.
Does it surprise you that Wilson’s family has decided that he needs to be put under a conservatorship?