Alec Baldwin Clashes With Activist In Confrontation

Actor Alec Baldwin was trying to get coffee at a coffee shop in New York City, when he was harassed by a performance artist who goes by Crackhead Barney on X (formerly Twitter). According to Entertainment Weekly, Barney also reportedly has a YouTube channel called Crackhead Barney & Friends where the performance artist does ambush-style interviews.

In true ambush-style, Barney confronted Baldwin in the coffee shop and later posted a video of the interaction on X. In the video, we don’t see Barney, but we see Baldwin and an employee at the coffee shop, both of whom seem to trying to get Barney to leave.

Barney posted the video along with the text which would in theory be explaining what the video is about. The text reads, “White devil Alec Baldwin attacked me While I was trying to get coffeee.”

That’s not entirely what happened, which is easy to deduce while watching the video, but just in case there was any question about the circumstances surrounding the interaction, below the video, there is additional context readers “thought people might want to know.”

This additional context explains that Barney “was not ‘trying to get coffee.'” In addition, when the employee told Barney to leave, the performance artist refused. And, “there is no evidence they were attacked.”

In the video, Barney can be heard begging Baldwin to “say ‘free Palestine'” and accusing Baldwin of “killing that woman,” referring to the “Rust” shooting. Barney accuses Baldwin of being a “murderer,” and she begs him to say “free Palestine, Alec, just one time and I’ll leave you alone.”

Alec doesn’t give in to Barney’s requests. Instead, he opens the door and motions for Barney to exit. When that doesn’t work, Baldwin walks back in, and looking off screen, perhaps looking at the employee, Baldwin asks, “Can you do me one quick favor?”

Then the video looks as if the phone (or other recording device) was bumped and possibly dropped to the ground. It seems likely that Baldwin knocked the phone out of Barney’s hands to make the video stop.

See this confrontation for yourself in the video below.