After A 92-Year-Old Man Passed Away, We Finally Got A Chance To See The Inside Of His Party Palace

There are some neighborhoods where every house looks just like it’s neighbors. Often, these neighborhoods create a model home to sell new properties to prospective home buyers, and the buyers wait for their cookie cutter home with a few customizations to be built.

There’s nothing wrong with having a home just like your neighbor’s. In fact, there are probably a lot of benefits to having a rather common type of home. You probably have a home that functions well and flows well. Assuming it was built fairly recently, it is probably also pretty stylish inside and has an appropriate amount of bedrooms and bathrooms.

When looking for a home, some people look for homes like what we described above; however, there are other people who want something much more unique. Sometimes that can mean that the property is what some would consider to be outdated; however, to others, “outdated” is just a time capsule of a bygone era.

We’ve found a home for sale in Michigan that would be perfect for Austin Powers. The home, which was built around 1979, is definitely groovy. It has a lot of wood and glass details inside, and it is even decorated with a statue of a full size tiger.

This home is pretty pricy for a home in Sturgis, Michigan. It’s for sale for $375,000, almost double the going rate in the neighborhood, and the real estate agent estimates that it needs about $200,000 more in repairs.

Why would anyone buy a house that is overpriced for the neighborhood that needs so much work? Well, it’s big, for one thing. It boasts over 5,000 square feet. It also has some really unique features like an indoor swimming pool and his and hers saunas.

Realtor Dennis Bamber describes the home as “a very contemporary, eclectic style house.” He told MLife, “It sits on almost 2 acres and offers you the unique opportunity to have an estate like no other.” He added, “It’s for whoever has a big family, wants to have a fun house and can put enough money into it to have a super house without paying superhouse prices.” Bamber believes it would cost about $1 million to build a similar home today.

The home was owned by Ralph and Renee Levin. Ralph owned Sturgis Iron and Metal. He retired in 2008 and died in 2014 when he was 92 years old. His wife died two years later. Their children eventually decided to sell their parents’ home, and the inside is quite incredible. Watch the video below to see a tour of this home for yourself.