Paying your taxes is obviously important. It may not always be the easiest activity to complete, but that’s why there are many accountants who can help you out during tax time, and there are even software programs that make it fairly simple to file your taxes on your own.

The risk of getting audited might sound intimidating, but what sounds even worse is potentially facing jail time for failing to pay your taxes. That’s where Colombian singer Shakira finds herself right now.

According to a prosecutor in Spain, Shakira didn’t pay her taxes from 2012 to 2014. According to Shakira, she didn’t live in Spain at the time. According to the prosecutor, Shakira did in fact live in Spain at the time.

The prosecutor claims that the singer bought a house in Barcelona, Spain, in May 2012. In addition, the prosecutor claims that this house in Barcelona became Shakira’s family home where she lived along with her partner and her son.

The prosecutor is not satisfied and is asking for Shakira to be sentenced to 8 years in jail plus a hefty fine of 23 million euros which is well over $23 million.

While Shakira claims to be innocent, she also claims that she went ahead and paid the money the Spanish tax office claimed she owed, all 17.2 million euros.

Shakira isn’t backing down. Her representatives say that the singer “is fully confident of her innocence” and believes the case against her is “a total violation of her rights.”

The singers representatives told FOX News Digital, “Shakira has always cooperated and abided by the law, demonstrating impeccable conduct as an individual and a taxpayer, and faithfully following the counsel of PriceWaterhouse Coopers, a prestigious and globally recognized tax firm. Unfortunately, the Spanish Tax Office, which loses one out of every two lawsuits with its taxpayers, continues to violate her rights and pursue yet another baseless case. Shakira is confident that her innocence will be proven by the end of the judicial process.”

Shakira did not agree to a settlement that was offered. A court date has yet to be set for the trial.

Watch the video below to learn more about the case against Shakira and her recent split from her long-time partner, soccer player, Gerard Piqué.

Do you think Shakira will end up being found guilty? Do you think she will serve any jail time or have to pay a fine? Or do you think Shakira is right and the case against her is “baseless”?

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