5 Frugal Strategies for Making Moving Easier

Moving can be such a hassle and can cost you more money than you initially plan to spend. Check out some of these tips from Bankrate for preparing in advance and saving yourself some money and a lot of trouble and stress:

  • Lighten Your Load: whether you’re moving yourself with the help of friends and family or you’re hiring movers, you will benefit by going through all of your belongings before moving and getting rid of all that is unnecessary. There are a lot of people who have to move quickly who just pack everything and intend to sort it out once they’ve moved. However, more stuff can certainly cost you more time and probably gas with your truck (not to mention you have to carry more)! And if you’ve hired movers, they usually charge by the pound. So lighten your load in advance and pay less.
  • Move by Numbers: one of the most annoying things about unpacking once you’ve moved is trying to figure out what stuff is in which boxes. Try this strategy for avoiding the confusion:

    Before you pack your first box, invest in a $1 spiral notebook. Every time you pack a box, number it. (Put the number on every side, and write it big. That way, no matter how the box is placed later, you can read the number.) In the notebook, next to that number, give a brief rundown of what’s in the box. (No. 12: Kitchen items — silverware, wok, cooking pots.)

    This is also a great way to make sure everything makes it to your destination. As the boxes show up, you can check them off your list. And if anything doesn’t arrive, you know what’s missing.

  • Pack Important Items Yourself: this is a tip for those who hire movers. As good a job as they may do, there are some items with sentimental value (i.e. Grandma’s vase or your child’s artwork) that, if harmed in any way, would cause you much distress. Identify these, pack them yourself and keep them close to you during the move.

For more great tips and tricks, check out Bankrate’s 5 Frugal Ways to Make Moving Easier.