“Yellowstone” actor Forrie J. Smith recently shared a video on Instagram that is getting a lot of attention. In the video, he shared that he “got kicked off a plane” because of something he said. Smith was at an airport in Houston, Texas, at the time he was removed from the airplane, and he recorded the video while he was still at the airport.

In the past, we’ve heard reports of people getting kicked off airplanes for dressing inappropriately, for behaving violently, or for refusing to do something that was required by the airline, such as wearing a face mask back in 2020 and 2021. The reason Smith got “kicked off” the airplane was quite different.

It seems that Smith’s assigned seat on the airplane was next to a passenger who was wearing a face mask. Smith explained, “I didn’t feel comfortable sitting next to somebody with a mask on.”

Smith continued by answering a question most of his fans were probably also curious about. He said, “Yeah, I’ve been drinking.” He defended his decision to drink alcohol at the airport by adding, “I’ve been sitting in the airport for three hours.” He added, “I ain’t drunk.”

Then he added more to the story. This time, instead of claiming that he was removed from the plane because of his feelings about face masks, he said, “I was kicked off because I was drunk.”

Then, in a surprising move, he attacked his followers, pointing at the camera as he blamed his followers, insinuating that it’s their fault he got kicked off the plane. He said, “You people won’t stand up and tell everybody what b**s*** this is.”  We can only assume the b**s*** he’s talking about is the idea of wearing face masks.


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Instead of rallying around the actor, many of Smith’s followers defended the person who chose to wear a face mask. One follower wrote, “How do you know that person doesn’t have cancer and just is going through chemotherapy treatments or something else that warrants them wearing one? Free Country.”

Another person pointed out that most likely the reason Smith got kicked off the plane was due to his level of intoxication not his feelings about face masks. The comment reads, “You may not be falling down drunk but you’re definitely under the influence. That’s what got you booted. Man up and admit alcohol made you run your mouth and now you’re paying the price.”

It’s no secret that Smith likes to drink. In an interview back in May 2023, he even drank bourbon live on air on a morning news show at eight in the morning.

Do you think Smith was booted from the airplane because he was drinking or because of his comment about face masks? Do you think the airline made the right decision?

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