As an employee, you’re expected to do your job and do it well. Employees also expect their employers to be respectful. Something clearly went wrong at Polo Supermarket in Rafaela, Argentina, on Monday.

Twenty-five year old Evelin Roldán says that she was a “good employee.” She explained that she was “respectful, always available because from cleaning floors to cutting cold cuts or serving a box I did it with great enthusiasm.”

Roldán claims that her bosses were not respectful. She accuses them of mistreating her while she worked at their store. She describes “being put down, and even ‘slaps’ or insults.”

On Monday, Roldán was fired from her job. She explains that the store owners didn’t give her a reason for firing her. Instead, one of the owners told her she was fired “without justification, ignoring me and running me from the place without wanting to give me at least one reason.”

Roldán did not react well to this unexpected news. Instead, she says she was “blinded by anger, anger at the injustices I experienced inside” for being mistreated by the store’s owners. She says that’s why she lost her temper and went into “a state of rage.”

During this “state of rage,” Roldán went to the store’s wine aisle and knocked multiple bottles of wine onto the ground. In an 8 second video of the incident, wine and broken wine bottles are seen all over the floor while Roldán continues to pull more and more bottles onto the floor to break open.

The police were called and Roldán was arrested for her reaction to being fired. While she admits that breaking the wine bottles was “wrong,” she doesn’t think the video is incriminating at all, and she wants a chance to tell her side of the story. She explained, “I hope to be able to have a place to tell the other side of the conflict, as they did when they sent videos and incomplete information, pretending to be totally unaware of what happened.”

Roldán plans to seek legal action against Polo Supermarket. She explained, “Injustices are sometimes not seen on the other side, and all those things played against me when I reacted.”

Watch the video below to see Roldán’s self-described “nervous breakdown” for yourself.


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