By now, we’re sure you’ve seen the new trendy whipped coffee drink that’s taking over the internet and your news feeds. You know, the one that turns coffee into essentially a fluffy cupcake?

The fancy name is Dalgona coffee, but you might refer to it as whipped coffee. Whatever you call it, it’s an easy-to-make beverage that uses just a handful of ingredients—instant coffee, water, sugar, and milk—and transforms your coffee from a thin liquid into a fluffy, lip-smacking consistency. Top the mixture over milk and you’ll be in heaven.

Since Dalgona coffee is made with fewer ingredients than you can count on one hand, people are loving the simplicity and ease of making it. Plus, it’s always a plus when you likely already have the ingredients in your pantry—especially when most people aren’t able to leave their homes for anything non-essential.

In short, it’s a drink that java junkies going nuts over during their quarantine. But what if you’re not a coffee lover or don’t want all of that caffeine?

Don’t worry, thanks to a lot of bored people right now, it’s been discovered that there are lots of other ways to enjoy a whipped beverage similar to the consistency of Dalgona coffee—and they’re just as easy (if not easier!) to make.

For example, how about whipped strawberry milk? Made with even less ingredients than Dalgona coffee, whipped strawberry milk calls for just strawberry Nesquick, some heavy whipping cream and milk. Since Nesquick is already on the sweeter side, no sugar is needed.

All you need to do is whip the two ingredients into fluff, top it over hot or cold milk, and you’ve got yourself an easy, delicious treat. This is also a great treat for kids who are out of school and home with you during this quarantine.

If you’re not a strawberry person either, we’re going to assume you’re a chocolate person—so how about a chocolatey cocoa whipped beverage?

Done in a similar way, using just cocoa, sugar, and water, whip everything up in the same way, top it over milk and voila—whipped cocoa that’s the perfect mid-day snack or dessert!

It turns out you can make a whipped beverage out of many things. The key is to have equal parts powder and water (and some sweetener if the powder isn’t sweetened with anything, like instant coffee).

So go ahead, try something new and get creative in the kitchen while you have the time!

Have you tried Dalgona coffee yet? Or maybe one of these other whipped beverages is more your speed?

Try one out and let us know how it is!

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