Wheel of Fortune premiered in 1975 and is still one of the most popular game shows on television today. The show is based on hidden words or phrases that people have to solve with just a few letters on the board. The puzzles get easier as more letters appear on the board. The less letters, the harder it is to solve!

We’ve seen our fair share of amazing solves on Wheel of Fortune. For example, remember Robert, who solved a few puzzles with barely had any letters on the board—and even one puzzle that had just ONE letter up? It felt near impossible to solve at the stage it was in, but he stole the show. Let’s also not forget the time contestant Rufus solved the puzzle with just the letter T on the board. Seriously incredible!

The latest jaw-dropping Wheel of Fortune solve comes from a man named Shawn. He went to the bonus round and though he didn’t have many letters up on the board, he was able to solve it on the first try, let alone the first second of the clock! After winning the initial rounds and going on to the final bonus round, as per usual, the puzzle consisted of very few letters—10 letters over the course of two words, to be exact. The subject was “Person” and the popular letters—R, S, T L N and E were given. Shawn had to guess four more and come up with the right answer in just a few seconds.

Unfortunately, the letters Shawn guessed—M, D, C and A—were not a part of the puzzle, which can be incredibly difficult to solve. Even host Pat Sajak made a comment about how difficult it might be to solve: “That’s all you get to work with—obviously it’s challenging,” he told him before he began the clock.

“Keep talking, stranger things have happened,” Sajak added, clearly with no faith in Shawn.. “10 seconds. Person. Good luck.”

One second later and Shawn shouted out the answer to the puzzle, stunning the crowd, and Sajak himself. “What the heck?” he said. “I don’t get this game,” he half-joked with his jaw open.

So what was Shawn’s grand prize for this awesome solve? A whopping $33,000! That made his grand total from the whole game $54,850.

Sajak proceeded to walk off the stage as Shawn’s family came onto it to give him hugs and congratulate him on the win. “Someone explain this game to me, I don’t get it!’ Sajak said.

We don’t get it either, but we’re surely impressed! Check out the solve for yourself to see how awesome it was.

Do you think you would’ve gotten this puzzle on the first try? What are some of the most memorable Wheel of Fortune solves you can remember watching?

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