To all the moms working from home right now on top of taking care of your kids who are stuck at home while they’re out of school—we really feel for you. This is one tough task—one that’s near impossible to perform well as a human.

Sure, there are lots of tips and tricks online that websites post to try to help. But one mom called these companies out about how unhelpful they really can be.

Alexis Grant shared her feelings on these articles via LinkedIn and it resonated with tons of other moms in the same boat.

“Heads up: Your company’s piece about tips for working at home with kids isn’t helpful,” she wrote. “Actually, it’s making you look out of touch.”

The West Virginia resident works as a media entrepreneur and has been struggling to maintain her work at home while also handling her 2- and 4-year-old. And when you’re actually in the position of trying to do so, it’s hard to take an article sharing hacks for activities to keep your kids busy seriously.

“Parents who are struggling through this know there’s no way to get real work done while watching a 2- and 4-year-old. We might answer a few emails, but nothing that truly moves the needle is happening when 80 percent of our brain is focused on making sure our kids don’t swallow that tiny Lego and have something to eat every five minutes,” her post continued.

Okay, so what exactly do working moms need right now? She has the answer for that, too. In fact, she has four solutions that would be much more helpful than an unrealistic “tips and tricks” article.

The first thing needed? “How to cope when your company pretends (or really believes, ouch) that working with young kids at home is possible.” It turns out many companies aren’t being understanding toward moms who need to take more frequent breaks than usual to actually parent.

Number two: “How to think about hiring a babysitter safely or banding together with another family that’s following social distancing practices that match yours.” With the social distancing mandates in order, it’s extra hard to find someone to watch the kids together. Any way to safety go about doing so?

Her third struggle: “How to have a productive conversation with your partner about taking on more of the load.” If you have a spouse who isn’t pulling their weight, this can make it even more difficult to work and parent at the same time. How can moms productively talk to their significant other about this?

And, lastly, “How to adjust our own expectations and hopes for business or career in the coming months and feel semi-good about it.” Moms still feel like they need to get as much done as they always did—but the truth is, they’re trying to do multiple jobs at once, all in the midst of a pandemic. Tips on adjusting our expectations, please and thank you.

We think Alexis’ post is spot on! Are you a mom trying to work and also take care of/homeschool her children? Is there anything else you’d like to add to her list?

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