Kids are great, but there’s a reason why nearly half a million vasectomies are performed in the United States annually! It’s a semi-permanent method of contraception that’s been a choice of families for years, but it’s also one that can be a bit of a tough pill to swallow for the poor guy who has to go through with it.

A Mississippi wife and mother by the name of Kimberly Hemperly was well aware of the subsequent soreness that was sure to plague her husband post-procedure, so she did something for him that, we think, is classic…

…Kimberly threw him a ‘Vasectomy Party’! She even posted images of it to Facebook, along with this hilarious note:

We have an announcement to make: We are thrilled to say we will NOT be adding any more tiny humans to our family! My husband is taking one for the team; and to celebrate this momentous occasion I felt the need to throw him a little ‘Balls Voyage’ party for his upcoming procedure. Because, OMG, y’all, nobody is more excited about this than me.

As it turns out, the vasectomy was a pragmatic decision (as it always should be in this case) that spawned from pure contentment for their own spawns!

We are more than happy with our little family of four. My daughter just turned four last month, my son is five months. They’re more than enough to keep me busy, while my husband works hard to support us. He’s been the absolute best sport about this; and volunteered to go under the knife so that I wouldn’t have to. I had two C-sections with our two kids (9 lbs. and 9.15 lbs.), so it’s pretty cool for him to do something like this for me. That’s why I knew I had to throw him a little party, something to show how much I cared—and appreciated what he was doing.

We totally see where Kimberly is coming from on this one–and we absolutely LOVE the fact that both she and her ultra-supportive husband have a great sense of humor about the procedure. We’re sure that having to undergo surgery on one’s manhood takes a whole lot of balls (pun intended), so getting rewarded with a fun bash and themed cake must surely ease the pain.

Though we certainly are fans of all of the decorations, we think Kimberly did a particularly good job with this basket of favors. The Ding Dongs and bananas are deliciously on the nose–and, we have a feeling that the glove of frozen peas came in handy later!

Now, not to be a total bummer by switching gears here, but before you go ahead and schedule a vasectomy–and a subsequent vasectomy party!– for your honey, it’s important to note that the procedure doesn’t always work out. According to the Cleveland Clinic, there is a period of time in which live sperm can survive a flub which accounts for a 1 in 1,000 failure rate.

Although 1 in 1,000 might seem rather low, the number is much higher if medical follow-ups are attended and the sperm isn’t analyzed. So, keep up with those appointments–and you, too, can have a worry-free vasectomy party. Quite the “nutty” shindig!

We’d love to hear your thoughts on this vasectomy party? Are you a fan of the party favors? Have you or your partner ever undergone this procedure? If so, do you have any recovery tips you’d like to share?

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