When it comes to any kind of party or gathering, food is an essential part of entertaining. Some gatherings even revolve around food entirely! And when it comes to party snacks, finger foods definitely reign supreme.

There are some gatherings that “require” certain foods; i.e., Thanksgiving turkey, wings on the Super Bowl, or chocolate-dipped strawberries for Valentines Day. But for more general gatherings, there are classic finger foods that work for any occasion you can think up.

A few of those classic snacks? Chips and dip, veggie platters, and of course, pigs-in-a-blanket.

If you’ve been living under a rock and don’t know what pigs-in-a-blanket are, then allow us to fill you in. Basically, this snack consists of little hot dogs wrapped in dough, kind of taking regular sausages to the next level. They’re delicious, mini-dogs that are perfect for dipping in any sauce and piling onto little paper party plates.

But even classic finger foods like this can get old after a little while and eventually we all crave something a little out of the norm. There’s no need to put these savory snacks to sleep, though, all you have to do give them a fresh new spin! Food & Wine gives us a new take on our old favorite, upgrading our pigs from blankets to lovely, braided quilts.

Here’s what you’ll need to upgrade this classic party snack:

Make sure to watch the quick Food & Wine video below to get the full instructions on how to make this quick, simple, impressive treat.

With only three ingredients (as well as a baking sheet and parchment paper) this is such an easy way to make this snack from scratch! And this upgrade makes what was once a basic finger food something very classy and Insta-worthy.

Once this beautiful braided dog is out of the oven, all browned and smelling amazing, the only thing left to do is find something to dip it in! While pigs-in-a-blanket can be dipped in everything from ketchup to horseradish sauce, arguably the best dip is spicy mustard. However, we encourage you to play around with a whole array of dipping sauces to drizzle on your beautiful quilted pig.

What do you think of this fresh take on an old snack? Share your thoughts on this braided pigs-in-a-quilt in the comments section below.

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