For anyone who grew up celebrating the Christmas, you know the tradition of the Nativity play very well. Every year, churches will rally the youngest members of their congregation to put on a play depicting the night that baby Jesus was famously born. With everyone in the community getting involved, this can so often be one of the highlights of the holiday season!

Well, it certainly was for this Tennessee family.

These parents were sitting in the packed pews of their local church, filming an adorable Christmas pageant that their two-year-old was in. Their young daughter was front-and-center, sitting at the foot of the cradle that was holding baby Jesus.

In the background, a young choir was singing a beautiful song and the children gathered under the manger were staring at the baby lovingly. Cameras were flashing sporadically from the audience as proud parents scrambled to capture the wonderful scene.

It’s nothing less than an exciting Christmas memory!

But this little girl was feeling the excitement maybe a little TOO much. After almost a minute of sitting patiently, gazing down on baby Jesus with all her young peers around her, she decided to take matters into her own hands.

We see her start to get a little restless, which is totally understandable, seeing as she’s an excitable young kid. But then she starts making moves for the crib.

There’s a sheet covering the cradle, which the little girl rips right off. One of the older children, who it looks like might be playing Mary in the pageant, reaches out as if to stop the toddler, but she doesn’t move nearly quick enough.

In one motion, the little girl reaches into the crib and pulls out the doll that’s posing as baby Jesus. Then she moves to center stage, pops the fake baby onto her hip, and begins bouncing back and forth! Whether she’s dancing or “taking care of” the baby doll, she’s beaming from ear-to-ear and really getting into the Christmas music.

By this point, the parents in the congregation are absolutely cracking up. We can’t blame them, this little girl is absolutely hilarious!

And the hilarity isn’t even over.

The older kid (the one who may or may not be playing Mary), decides enough is enough. She breaks out from the manger scene, marches up to the toddler, and rips the baby away from her!

Even though the two-year-old fights to keep ahold of the doll, the bigger girl eventually wins out and gets baby Jesus back into his crib. If anything, this makes the onlooking parents crack up even harder!

This is undoubtedly going to be a favorite home video that this two-year-old’s family will be watching (and laughing over) for years to come.

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