After 13 years, pop star Britney Spears was finally released from the conservatorship that she claimed controlled her life in an unfair and sometimes harmful way. Over a year later, is her life better now? TMZ decided to dig into this question and find out.

Since the end of her conservatorship, Spears got married to Sam Asghari, but it seems like there may be trouble in paradise. Spears has posted some very strange and concerning photos and videos on social media, and she is not in communication with her family, including her own children.

TMZ decided to investigate if Spears being freed from her conservatorship is actually harmful or helpful for her life and her mental health. For example, when the conservatorship finally ended, she told her fans how grateful she was for little things like having an ATM card and having the keys to her car so she could be independent, but that doesn’t mean that she felt like a cloud had lifted from her life. She was also furious at her family. In an Instagram post, she said, “I don’t believe in God anymore because of the way my children and my family have treated me.”

TMZ talked to a psychiatrist about Spears’ recent reactions and behavior. He explained that she was a victim of the mental health system, and it was traumatic for her. Her Instagram posts seem to document her questionable mental health state leaving even some of her loyal fans concerned about her.

When Spears was released from her conservatorship, she originally agreed to continue therapy. Since then, she has made fun of therapy and she does not take her prescribed medication on a consistent basis.

Even her husband has been concerned about her. He reportedly tried to lead an intervention for Spears, but the intervention ended up not happening.

Watch “TMZ Investigates: Britney Spears, The Price of Freedom” below to learn more about Spears’ life post conservatorship and why those close to her are concerned about her safety and her mental health.


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