Each generation grows up with a unique set of circumstances. For example, our kids will one day remember how they were the first kids ever go to go school at home via Zoom. Who knows if that will be a thing in the future or not. Meanwhile, many of us remember dial-up internet, landlines connected to the wall with a cord and having to get up to change the channel on the TV instead of using a remote.

Just by mentioning one or a few things that were normal when you were a kid, it’s easy to realize how much things have changed. There are many, many things we remember that kids today will never fully understand. Many people are finding it easy to reveal their approximate age by mentioning something they remember from when they were younger. Here are some great examples. Enjoy this blast from the past and see how many of these things you remember.

  1. TV Has Changed a Lot

    Kim Crowther Nielson wrote:

    There was only a couple TV channels, 25″ screens were as big as they came, and all you got at night was an obnoxious tone and a picture pattern.

  2. The Original Nintendo

    Jill Culver wrote:

    Cleaning our Nintendo games with a qtip n alcohol. But only if blowing in it didn’t work. Lmao

  3. The Milkman

    Cindy Purinton wrote:

    Milk home delivery in glass bottles

  4. So Many Memories

    Corey Leigh Elliott wrote:

    Bebo, myspace, shoveling snow or mowing grass for money playing outside til street lights came on, waterbeds

  5. Renting Movies

    Shannen Dettmann wrote:

    We used to have to go to the video store to rent a movie

  6. Old-Fashioned Phones

    Amy Moore wrote:

    Corded wall phones were a thing, and so were rotary phones.

  7. Oregon Trail

    mbakisye Ifeanyichukwu wrote:

    Dying of dysentery on Oregon Trail

  8. Drying Clothes

    Christopher Villa wrote:

    We used a hand wringer to squeeze the water out of the clothes before we hung them on the clothesline.

  9. “The” Computer

    Stephanie Baxter wrote:

    There was a computer building on my college campus. Not a building for computer classes. A building for “the” computer.

  10. Paying Per Text

    Shannon Ann wrote:

    I didn’t have a cellphone until I was 20, because when the teens that I grew up with had them the minutes and txt messages were separate u had so many minutes and had to pay $.10 a message

  11. Rabbit Ears

    Laura Roroyourboat wrote:

    No remotes for the tv only 5 channels, and barely those cuz you had to mess with the rabbit ear antenna

  12. Typewriters

    Angela Sabatino wrote:

    I got a typewriter for graduation to take to college!

  13. Recording Music

    Amy Leadabrand wrote:

    I’m trying to record my favorite song from the radio. Hope the DJ doesn’t talk over the intro too much or I’ll just rewind and try again next hour.

  14. Outhouse

    Trudy Stusrud wrote:

    Bathrooms!!! My husband had to go outside to use the bathroom!!!

  15. Rewinding

    Symone Miller wrote:

    The rewind on my music was a pencil eraser


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