If you think back to 20, 10, or even just five years ago, times certainly have changed, and continue to do so. Not even a decade ago were cell phones really a thing, let alone was Facebook or any social media around. And if we think back even further than that, it’s obvious just how much the world has changed over the years.

To prove it, we’ve scoured the depths of the internet to find images that really show just how different the world is today than it was yesterday—however long ago yesterday means. Sometimes if we don’t stop to pause and reflect on how much the world has changed, we just might miss it.

Get ready to feel weird—these before and afters will have you wide-eyed!

  1. Emails

    When email first became a thing, it was so exciting to hear those words, “You’ve got mail.” Nowadays, that little red notification pops up every seven seconds and we barely even read half of them.

  2. Cell phones

    Early cell phone models were basically a brick. Nowadays, you breathe on an iPhone wrong and it breaks.

  3. Exercise

    Before social media, people just, you know, exercised and that was that. Nowadays, you have to tell the world with a selfie and a status update. After all, if you went for a run and didn’t post about it, did you even go for a run?

  4. Birthdays

    It used to be about gifts and a party. Now, if everyone doesn’t say happy birthday on your Facebook wall then your big day is ruined.

  5. Role reversal

    It used to be that the parent taught the children, but these days the kids seem to know more than the parents, especially when it comes to technology.

  6. Technology

    There used to be separate devices for your computer, phone, music, etc. Today, everything has been combined into one single device.

  7. Size

    The size of TVs might be getting slimmer, but people are getting bigger.

  8. Time wasters

    From yo-yos to Internet nonsense and everything in between

  9. Questions

    We used to ask people out loud when we had a question. Today it’s easier to just Google it, even when you’re among others.

  10. Sports

    Sports used to be physically exhausting. Now it’s just exhausting for the mind (and there’s no physical exertion required).

  11. Dates

    What’s a dinner date if you’re both not scrolling through Instagram at the same time?

  12. Movie prices

    In my grandparents day and age, movies were like a nickel. These days it’s a fortune and nothing has even changed in the actual theatre experience!

  13. Playgrounds

    No one wants to play outside anymore when there’s an Internet to browse…

  14. Dinner

    Back then, eating together meant waiting for everyone to be ready. These days, the TV has to be ready first.

  15. Photos

    Remember the time people actually took photos of real life activities? Us either.

Can you believe how much things can change over time? Which image resonated with you the most?

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