Prue Leith, a renowned judge on ‘The Great British Bake Off’, candidly revealed a surprising twist in her life story. In her 2012 memoir, “Relish: My Life on a Plate,” she opens up about a 13-year affair with her first husband, Rayne Kruger, adding an unexpected layer to her already fascinating life.
“I thought when you’re writing an autobiography, what you should be doing is writing the interesting bits and leaving out the boring bits,” Prue candidly admitted in an exclusive interview with E! News’ Francesca Amiker. “Nobody’s interested in your achievements. They’re interested in your failures.”
In her memoir, Prue navigates the intricate threads of her romantic entanglements, notably her affair with Rayne Kruger, who happened to be married to her mother’s best friend, Nan Munro, at the time. She unapologetically brings to light this chapter of her life, recognizing the importance of addressing the challenging aspects that contributed to shaping her identity.
“Love is the most important thing in anyone’s life,” Prue wrote. “And to just decide to leave out the most important man in your whole life—who’s been your lover, your chairman, your husband, the father of your children—it would be ridiculous.”
Rayne eventually parted ways with Nan in 1974, and he and Prue sealed their union later that same year. The lovebirds remained together until Rayne’s passing at age 80 in December 2002. Prue acknowledged the impact her confession had on her children, Danny Kruger, 49, and Li-Da Kruger, 48, but stressed that openness and honesty were paramount in telling her life story.
“It upset my children a lot,” Prue wrote. “They had read it all before and they knew it was just part of the whole story.”
However, the 83-year-old baking aficionado shared that her family has since moved past the initial shock, finding humor in the situation. “It’s not the end of the world,” she quipped, adding, “If I go public on something, I can hardly complain if somebody talks about it.”
Reflecting on her life today, Prue embraces the sweet moments with her second husband, John Playfair, whom she married in 2016. “He’s very good company,” she shared. “He makes me laugh, and he’s very gregarious. He gets along with everybody.”
The Great American Baking Show: Celebrity Holiday is currently available on The Roku Channel.
To hear exclusively from Prue regarding her affair, check out the video below.