A lot of things happened in 2006; Enron went on trial, the beloved Steve Irwin was tragically killed, some seriously tainted spinach sickened a whole lot of people. Random, but true…

But, the main event that we remember from that year had to do with the birth of a certain celebrity spawn—Suri Cruise!

Suri was born on April 18th and was instantly famous—after all, her parents are pret-ty famous in their own rights. Her dad, Tom Cruise, is arguably one of the most iconic movie stars of all time, and her mom, the lovely Katie Holmes, starred in Dawson’s Creek, the biggest teen drama of the 1990s.

Yep, Suri Cruise sure did grow up in the spotlight, despite her parents’ best attempts to initially keep her out of it.

When Suri first came into this world, both of her actor parents kept it rather low-key when it came to sharing their daughter with the media. Although they did participate in a high-profile family portrait which was featured prominently on the cover of Vanity Fair, Cruise and Holmes, or “TomKat,” as they were known back in the day, were fairly protective of their baby.

Because of this, the public would only get rare glimpses of the beautiful girl, usually paparazzi shots with her mom, Katie, carrying her to and from an awaiting car.

But, as time went on, fans began noticing that Suri was in the public eye more and more. She would attend fashion shows and sit in the front row with Holmes, and even seemed to relish her time in the spotlight. Another thing that fans started noticing was that her dad, the uber-famous, Tom Cruise, didn’t seem to be around all that much anymore.

Although no concrete details about their relationship have been confirmed, it’s more or less an open secret that Tom Cruise rarely, if ever, sees his little girl. In fact, ever since he and Holmes divorced in 2012, multiple news outlets report that Cruise has pretty much disowned Suri and his ex-wife.

Of course, the main theory as to why this is occurring has to do with Cruise’s deep connection and allegiance to Scientology, but because only those involved really know the specifics, we can only speculate. Either way, poor kid!

Well, maybe poor kid wasn’t the right way to put it. After all, Suri is anything but poor. These days, she is often seen in celebrity magazines wearing high fashion, posing on the red carpet with her movie star mom, or even standing on stage in front of a crowd of millions.

Just last year, the now 11-year-old introduced Taylor Swift alongside her mother at the televised concert, The Jingle Ball. And, despite her young age, she didn’t look nervous at all! That confidence must have something to do with those charismatic genes…

We’d love to hear your take on Suri Cruise. Do you think she grew up to resemble her famous parents? Are you surprised by her lack of relationship with her dad? Do you think she will follow in her performer parents’ footsteps?

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