The novel coronavirus has certainly changed a lot of things that we took for granted – like taking our kids to school, going out to eat or visiting an amusement park. Many people who have birthday parties and weddings coming up have been forced to change or postpone their plans; however, you can’t postpone a holiday.

A lot of people might feel like they can’t celebrate St. Patrick’s Day this year since they can’t celebrate it the way they usually do. With social distancing, from Dublin to New York City and beyond, St. Patrick’s Day parades are being canceled and even bars and pubs are empty (if they’re open at all). 

Guinness, what we’d consider the official beer of St. Patrick’s Day, has released a new video that is technically an advertisement, but in these strange times, reminds us what is really important – each other. 

While bars are closed in our area, we still invite you to raise a glass. Whether it’s in a small group gathering or with the help of modern technology, like Skype or Facetime, raise a glass and toast your friends and family.

This video has touched the hearts of many already. One person commented, “Great message Guinness, this was a message of hope and staying positive in this time across the globe. Cheers Guinness.”

Another comment reads, “Thats how you maintain the spirit and keep your cool during a pandemic like this. Props Guiness!”

We can’t agree more. The team over at Guiness obviously had to create this video fairly recently. If they already had a video that they planned on posting for St. Patrick’s Day, it wouldn’t have fit today’s situation. We definitely appreciate the cheerful, hopeful attitude of their message.

Yes, you still can celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. It’s just going to look different this year. Are you going to raise a glass?

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