Shannen Doherty, known for her roles in “Beverly Hills, 90210” and “Charmed,” has recently confronted the realities of having stage 4 cancer, and sharing her journey of preparing for what lies ahead.

In a candid episode of her podcast, “Let’s Be Clear With Shannen Doherty,” the actress revealed her brave process of letting go of material possessions to focus on what truly holds significance in her life. “The cancer, for me, has really made me take stock of my life and shift my priorities, and my priority at the moment is my mom,” she said.

Doherty expressed the significance of this emotional task, acknowledging the potential impact on her loved ones. “I don’t want her to have a bunch of stuff to deal with,” she shared. “I don’t want her to have four storage units filled with furniture because I have a furniture obsession.”.

Reflecting on her love for antique-furniture shopping, Doherty admitted to accumulating excess belongings, recognizing the need for downsizing. “Do I need to have three dining-room tables?” she questioned. “The answer is no, none of us really need all the stuff that we have, and we could all do with a little bit of downsizing and not be a hoarder, which I was becoming with all my furniture.”

Despite the emotional weight of parting with cherished possessions, Doherty found solace in the prospect of creating lasting memories with loved ones. She expressed her hope to utilize the proceeds from selling her belongings to embark on meaningful trips with her mother and create new experiences.

“I get to take my mom on vacations because I’ll have all this extra money lying around, and I’m not digging into the money in my savings that’s going to make sure everybody in my life is taken care of once I’m dead,” she said.

For Doherty, the process of decluttering and simplifying her life represented more than just a practical task; it symbolized a profound acceptance of her mortality and a desire to ease the burden on her loved ones.

“It feels like you’re giving up on something that was very special and important to you,” she said. “But you know that it’s the right thing to do and that it’s going to give you a sense of peace and a sense of calm because you’re helping the people that you leave behind just have a cleaner, easier transition.”

A few common symptoms of breast cancer to look out for include a hard, painless lump in the breast, nipple discharge, and certain type of breast dimpling that looks like an orange peel. Breast cancer is most common in women over age 50, however, it’s becoming less common for younger people to be diagnosed.

As Doherty bravely confronts her battle with cancer, her journey serves as a reminder to reassess our own priorities and cherish the moments that truly matter. Learn more about her diagnosis and health journey in the video below.

How does her story inspire you to reevaluate your own perspective on life’s priorities?

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