Shania Twain Reveals Her Near Death Experience

Covid – by now you’ve had it or you know someone who has had it. While some people seem to have so few symptoms that they don’t even know they have it until they take a Covid test, other people have it so badly that they are lucky to survive. Shania Twain is now revealing that her experience with Covid was so bad that she considers it a near death experience.

In an interview with the Mirror, Twain explained that when Covid was at its worst, she experienced both Covid-19 and pneumonia. This was at a time when hospitals were full and it was hard to find an available hospital bed.

She explained that her symptoms were “progressively getting worse. My vital signs were getting worse… and in the end I had to be air evacuated.” 

While she was struggling to breathe, her second husband, Frédéric Thiébaud, was frantically calling hospitals desperately trying to find an open bed for her. She explained, “My husband was freaking out, to be honest.” She added, “He was really panicking because he was the one having to pull it all together. He spent hours and hours every day on the phone, trying to get an air evacuation coordinated, trying to get a bed lined up, as there were none, checking my vital signs. It was just a real nightmare for him.”

Twain is very grateful that her husband was there for her. She said, “I thought, ‘Wow, if I was living alone in a more isolated scenario, I don’t know what would have happened’. My heart goes out to people who don’t have that support to help them get the right care.”

Despite her condition at the time, Twain still remembers everything vividly. She explained, “It was like science fiction, I felt like I was going to another planet or something. It all kind of happened in slow motion.”

Once she made it to the hospital, she was treated with plasma therapy, but she didn’t get better right away. She said, “It took several days to start building up any antibodies at all, so it was a very dangerous time and very scary.” She added, “I made it through and I’m just so grateful.”

This is not the first huge battle Twain has had to overcome. Back in 2004, Twain contracted Lyme disease from a tick bite, and she ended up unable to sing. In 2018, she had throat surgery to strengthen her nerves. With surgery and physical therapy, she is now singing again and very happy about it. She explained, “It’s great to be just singing again, on a tour with my new voice after my surgery… I’m in a very celebratory state of mind.”

Have you had Covid-19? If so, did you experience few symptoms, or like Twain, are you grateful to be alive?