Life can be stressful. That’s just how it is. We don’t have to go over the ridiculous number of special circumstances that make life even more stressful than normal right now. Everybody is feeling it, so much so that NASA has stepped in to help us out! (Okay, that’s an exaggeration.) We know that there are plenty of ways to relieve our every day and special circumstance stress ourselves, plenty of ways to shift our focus onto something more productive or, hey, maybe less productive. Sometimes it helps to commiserate with others going through similar things. Sometimes you just gotta build some LEGO. In desperate times, we may even turn to real, honest-to-goodness crafts! As for me? I turn to puzzles, quizzes, seek-and-finds, and the like.

Apparently, I’m not alone in this. The seek-and-find world has a new top dog- well, top cat, and we’re all just trying to find them among all these raccoons!

Seriously, though, how cute is this?!

Having difficulty? Don’t let it stress you out! You can find the solution here, under “Seek-and-Find Pictures.” While you’re over there, check out some more seek-and-find pics and give your brain a little bit of a breather from the heavier things in life. I don’t know about you, but I do so love when my biggest problem and highest priority has anything to do with cute drawings of raccoons.

How long did it take you to find the cat? Still looking? What other things do you do to take a break from stress? Let us know; we can’t wait to hear from you!

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