If you are a frugal person, there is no need to forget about your frugality when you travel. Sierra Black from Get Rich Slowly has some great advice for staying on track with frugal goals even while traveling. While the first step in saving money will be to carefully plan for most aspects of your trip in advance, she also offers many ways you can save while vacationing. Here are a few of them:
- Make a Game of it: see if you can get through an entire day in a foreign country without spending a dime. Make sure you get out and enjoy local specials instead of eating at your hotel (which probably features a lot of overpriced food). Challenge your spouse or companions to find ways to save.
- Have a Savings Goal in Mind: think about what you’ll do with the money you don’t spend on your trip. That prize will help you keep focused on savings goals during the trip. For example, Sierra plans to take any money left over from her Argentina trip to pay off her car loan.
For ways to prepare for your trip and more savings tips, head over to How to Save Money While Traveling.