Back in 1977, on the set of the film “Smokey and the Bandit,” an actress named Sally Field met an actor named Burt Reynolds. They went on to make four movies together and each have quite successful acting careers. They also had a romantic dating relationship off and on for multiple years in the 1970s and 1980s.

Now, Field is sharing details about what life was like when she was dating Reynolds. Specifically, she’s sharing what she didn’t like about dating him.

David Karger has a new book coming out called “50 Oscar Nights.” PEOPLE reports that in the book Field explains why Reynolds didn’t accompany her to the Academy Awards. She claims he “was not happy” about all of the publicity she was getting for her starring role in the film “Norma Rae.” Instead of being happy for her, he seemed to be jealous.

Thinking back to the 1980 Academy Awards, Field says of Reynolds, “He really was not a nice guy around me then.” In fact, he told her he “was not going to go” to the Oscars as her date to the prestigious awards ceremony. 

This wasn’t the first time he was unsupportive of Field during her career. In fact, when she wanted to go to Cannes to support the film “Norma Rae,” Reynolds told her, “You don’t think you’re going to win anything, do you?” She shared, “He did not want me to go to Cannes at all.”

When it was time to go to the Oscars, and Reynolds refused to go with her, Field “didn’t know what to do.” Thankfully, her friend, actor and comedian David Steinberg, and his wife at the time, Judy, came to Field’s rescue. Steinberg told Field, “Well, for God’s sakes, we’ll take you.”

Steinberg didn’t just take Field to the Oscars. Field adds, “He and Judy made it a big celebration. They picked me up in a limousine and had champagne in the car. They made it just wonderful fun.”

Field was certainly deserving for the celebration. She ended up winning the 1980s Oscar in the Best Actress category for her role in “Norma Rae.” Five years later, she won a second Oscar for her role in “Places in the Heart.”

Does it surprise you that Reynolds refused to accompany Field to the Oscars?

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