Here’s a Stunning Recipe for Roasted Cabbage to Try Out

How often do you eat cabbage? If you answered, “once a year on St. Patrick’s Day,” you’re in good company— but that company needs to check out this recipe from Everyday Food with Sarah Carey. It’s so simple, it barely even qualifies as a recipe, but the result is a side dish that’s healthy, delicious, and gorgeous. Who knew sliced cabbage could look like flowers?! Learn how to roast it, and you’ll want to add it to every menu. Watch how easy it is!

You’ll Need

– 1 tablespoon plus 2 more tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
– 1 medium head green cabbage, cut into 1-inch-thick rounds
– Coarse salt and ground pepper
– 1 teaspoon caraway or fennel seeds

Easy, right? If you’d like written instructions, grab your printable recipe from the Martha Stewart site. What do you think of this dish? Will you become a fan of cabbage now? If you eat it regularly, how else do you like to prepare it?