Health care experts have educated us on the connection between oral care and our overall health. Poor oral health has been linked to heart conditions, pregnancy complications, and worsening of rheumatoid arthritis.

According to CDC stats, half of America’s adults have some stage of periodontal disease. If you’ve noticed a problem with the state of your gums like bleeding or a receding gum line, you may be wondering what you can do about it.

Of course, you can visit your dentist who may recommend surgery. But there are a few things you can do to fight plaque and bacteria buildup on your teeth and gums that don’t require an operation. Brushing your teeth is part of the basic oral hygiene, but check out these other tips that can help your gums to heal!

  1. Flossing

    Flossing helps to remove food debris and cut down on plaque. For the best results, wrap the floss around your tooth and move it from side to side in a sawing motion. Rinse, repeat, and get a new piece of floss as needed. Do so at least twice a day.

  2. Oil Pulling

    Oil pulling has been around for centuries but has become more mainstream in recent years. It involves swishing an antimicrobial oil around in the mouth – like coconut or sesame – to kill germs and tighten gums.

    With this method, do it first thing in the morning before brushing. Take ½ to 1 teaspoon of oil into the mouth and swish around, pulling it in between the teeth and being sure to coat each tooth. Do this for 15 – 20 minutes at a time and then spit it out. Follow up with rinsing and brushing your teeth.

  3. Professional Dental Care

    Regular checkups can help to prevent gum disease, and a deep cleaning can help to flush out the problem bacteria, allowing the bones and gum tissue to heal. Ask your dentist about The Keyes Method, which involves peroxide, salt, and baking soda for cleaning.

  4. Vitamin C

    Are you getting enough vitamin C? It’s essential to gum health for preventing and healing damage because it aids in forming connective tissue. Increase your dietary intake by eating foods like kiwi, pineapple, oranges, broccoli, or strawberries.

    If that’s not enough, you can take a vitamin supplement to meet your needs. Keep in mind that since vitamin C is water soluble, it has to be replenished daily.

  5. DIY Mouth Rinse or Paste

    Make your own mouth rinse with a mixture of sea salt, water, and aloe vera. Add an antiseptic ingredient like thyme, rosemary, or peppermint essential oil. You can also make a mouthwash using 1 part water with 1 part hydrogen peroxide.

    Create your own paste with baking soda, sea salt, and coconut oil and brush with it. Or, use ½ to 1 teaspoons of turmeric mixed with a tablespoon of coconut oil. Rub the paste onto your gums and let it sit for 10 – 15 minutes before rinsing. Both recipes fight germs and inflammation in the gums!

You can also drink green tea for its antioxidant properties and its benefits for oral health. It’s possible to improve your gum health with the right regimen and consistency!

Are receding gums a problem for you? What home treatments do you use? Do you have any other advice for gum care?

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