With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, we’re gearing up for lots of fun dates, hugs, kisses and love!

But we’re also getting ready for stores to fill up with teddy bears that say “I love you” when you squeeze them, heart-shaped boxes of chocolates, a dozen roses, mushy cards galore…

There’s nothing wrong with these tried and true gifts, but if we’re being honest, we’re getting a little tired of the same old stuff. Can’t we get unique, people? We want to see something new and more fun—something that really shows the person cares rather than a generic card or stuffed animal.

If you feel the same way, then you’re going to love what our favorite candy company Reese’s has recently rolled out. Boy, have we got a gift for you (or you know, a gift for your loved one).

The candy company combined the usual flowers and chocolates associated with Valentine’s Day but created a way better gift—a literal bouquet of Reese’s chocolates that you can gift to your loved one.

Excuse us while we drool all over ourselves. We’re thinking this is way better than your standard flowers that die the next day!

Appropriately called the “Reese’s Extravaganza Bouquet,” the Reese’s bouquet contains a total of 36 delicious peanut butter cups, plus it even comes with coordinating orange faux flowers for those who still want to do the flower thing.

“The perfect gift for special occasions or just because, this beautifully wrapped extravaganza bouquet will show your loved one how much you care,” Walmart writes in the description.

True, because love is definitely shown by sharing chocolate—love certainly is a strange thing, don’t you think?

All kidding aside, this is a perfect gift for any chocolate and peanut butter lover. People from all over are drooling along with us at the thought of getting their hands (and mouths) on the Reese’s bouquet.

“This is a flower bouquet I could get behind!” someone posted on social media.

“The only thing I ever want for Valentine’s Day,” another person wrote.

The Reese’s bouquet is sold at Walmart and will run you only $44.99 (plus free shipping!). If you don’t want to spend too much money, you can probably make the bouquet yourself with a package of candy, a basket, maybe a hot glue gun…get creative!

Note: If you buy this (or make this) for your loved one, you probably also get the benefit of enjoying it. Hint hint!

If your loved one isn’t the biggest peanut butter and chocolate fan, don’t fret—Walmart is on its candy bouquet game this year, selling a range of other kinds as well. Check out the Twizzler bouquet or the Baby Ruth one. There are also Ferrero RocherKit Kat and M&M versions to compensate for all different kinds of sweet teeth.

What do you usually receive or buy for a Valentine’s Day gift? Would you ever consider a candy bouquet like the Reese’s or other candy bouquet? Tell us who you’d love to gift this to!

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