Queen Elizabeth is one of the most powerful, accomplished, and beloved women in the world. She has been the ruler of the British monarchy for 65 years and, in that time, she’s proven herself to be the ultimate boss.

Have you ever seen her fix up an old WWII car or shoot heavy artillery? Well, she’s done it! (Also, she once made a cameo in a James Bond movie which completed our lives.)

You wouldn’t expect this sweet 91-year-old to be as fierce as she undeniably is, but the Queen has done plenty of things we couldn’t imagine her doing. And one of those things is actually something she does on a daily basis: drinking a cocktail.

Actually, scratch that: drinking a FEW cocktails.

It might be hard to picture the Queen sipping anything besides tea, but Her Majesty reportedly has up to four cocktails a day. Business Insider reports the Queen enjoys a drink before lunch, during lunch, mid-afternoon, and at the end of her day.

Despite her busy schedule, the Queen obviously still takes time to enjoy the finer things in life!

Before lunch, Her Majesty has a gin and Dubonnet cocktail with lemon and ice.

Then, she usually enjoys a glass of wine with her lunch. (Which is usually something healthy and light, with a piece of chocolate for dessert.)

After lunch, sometime in the mid-afternoon, Queen Elizabeth will sip on a dry martini. Bond-style.

Finally, to wrap up her day, the Queen enjoys a glass of champagne every night before going to bed.

Talk about living like royalty!

Something the monarch doesn’t seem too fond of is beer. She once turned down a pint of Guinness while touring the actual Guinness brewery in Ireland – which is something that only the Queen of England could really pull off.

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