Multiple royal biographers believe that Prince Harry will not live in the United States much longer. Historian and biographer Hugo Vickers believes Prince Harry will return home to England alone, and royal biographer Tom Quinn believes that for Harry, the United States is “a strange unfamiliar world which grows increasingly unfriendly.”

In an exclusive interview with The Sun’s royal editor, Matt Wilkinson, Hugo went so far as to claim that Harry is scared of his wife, Meghan Markle. Speaking about Harry and his wife, Hugo said, “I personally think he looks, that he’s looks petrified of losing her and looks slightly petrified of her to be honest.”

Meanwhile, Wilkinson shared that he was personally “disappointed” when Harry moved to the United States. He believes that creating TV shows and “picking up awards” is not the life that Harry truly wants to live. Wilkinson also stated his opinion that “Harry’s departure was the biggest crisis of the past 50 years.”

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In an interview with OK Magazine, Quinn shared his belief that Harry wants to go home. He said, “During his first six months in the States Harry found everything new and exciting, but the glamour is definitely wearing off.” He added, “There’s only so much you can do when you have no practical skills and you have always paid people to cook, clean and garden for you. Harry has never done any of these practical things, so after he’s taken the dog for a walk in the morning, he finds the day long and lonely.”

It might actually be a good thing if Harry is ready to return to England, but he’s concerned that if Donald Trump is elected president he might be forced to leave the United States.

Quinn shared that Harry and Meghan have “taken legal advice because they’re seriously worried that if Donald Trump wins the next election Harry’s visa may be revoked.”

Quinn added, “Trump has insisted that if Harry is found to have lied on his visa application about his admitted drug taking, he could be asked to leave the country.”

In his memoir “Spare,” Harry admitted to taking illegal drugs. He had no idea that admission could potentially be used against him. Quinn said, “Harry initially thought this couldn’t possibly happen to him as the normal rules don’t apply to a royal prince, but he is increasingly realizing that in the United States being a prince doesn’t actually count for very much.”

Watch the video below to learn more about Hugo and Wilkinson’s thoughts on Harry’s exit from England and his potential return.

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