What’s your favorite part about summertime? Personally, we love basking in the sunshine, going for a swim in the pool, preparing some cool summertime treats, and, of course, getting our seasonal intake of healthy vitamin D.
Yep, summertime is pretty great, but it’s not all fun and games; as a matter of fact, there are quite a few hazards that can really put a damper on all of that fun in the sun, like disease-infested ticks, mean mosquitoes, and, our absolute most reviled summertime foe, inner-thigh chafing.
Yeah, yeah, we know what you’re thinking: how could inner-thigh chafing possibly ruin the entire season for you? Well, if that’s a question that you even have to ask, we’re guessing you either wear pants year-round, or you have one of those coveted inner-thigh gaps.
But, for all of you peeps who really “get it” when we say that chafing is the worst, boy, do we have some great news for you! Not only will we be telling you to TREAT that itchy, unsightly, often painful chafe, but we will also tell you how to PREVENT it from occurring in the first place. Let’s dive in…
First thing’s first, chafes happen to virtually everyone, no matter your age, fitness level, or body type, so don’t let the fact that you get irritated down there get you down. You may be fit enough to be on American Ninja Warrior, but that doesn’t mean that friction won’t bug your delicate skin.
Which brings us to our next point; your delicate skin might be the reason why you’re suffering from chafing in the first place. If you suspect this is the case, you should do your best to prevent painful chafing before it happens again.
The best way to do this is to make sure that you care for the skin on your inner thighs with the pure products that it needs the most, which means lotions and oils without fragrances and/or abrasive chemicals.
Even if you don’t think your skin is sensitive, remember that you are likely applying lotion directly after you shave, when your pores are open and most vulnerable to irritation. So, instead of slathering on the perfumed stuff, add a sparse layer of petroleum jelly instead. This simple swap instantly soothes your freshly-shaved skin AND adds a protective layer that will prevent your thighs from creating too much friction when they do rub together.
If your skin is already dry, shake some talcum powder onto your hands and rub it along your inner-thighs so that moisture from sweating doesn’t lead to chafing. Also, if you want to invest a little bit of cash, you can also pick up some Bandelettes, stylish, lace inner-thigh guards that give you serious protection when you’re wearing a skirt or dress. Cute, right?!
How to heal a painful chafe
Now, if you’re currently suffering from a really bad chafe, don’t worry because there is hope!
One of the best ways to heal mild to moderately-chafed skin is to apply some more pure petroleum jelly (that stuff is a godsend!) and only use a very mild cleanser when you bathe. On the days that your chafe is healing, do your best to only expose your thighs to 100% cotton, both morning and night.
Of course, if your chafe is particularly bad–i.e. if it’s open, bleeding, infected, scabbing over, or smells–go see a doctor STAT! Some people are more prone to chafes due to sweating or undiagnosed allergies, so the sooner you get an antibacterial treatment started, the sooner you will get relief.
Here’s to a happy and chafe-free summer!
We’d love to hear your thoughts on all things chafing. Have you ever suffered a chafe before? If so, how did you treat it? Do you have any anti-chafing hacks of your own that you would like to share?
Source: Good Housekeeping