Portland, Oregon is known for many things: Being environmentally friendly, their somewhat ‘hipster’ vibe, the unique wineries, and of course, one of the top selections of craft beer. Sometimes even referred to as Craft Beer Capital of the World, Portland houses more than 60 breweries, all with a slew of award-winning beers.

But before you drive or talk a walk to a local brewery, think about if that’s truly the best way to get there. You know what’s even more fun? Pedaling to a brewery. With all your friends. Blasting music. And drinking along the way. Yeah. We went there.

What are we talking about? Allow us to introduce to you BrewCycle, the amazing Portland-based pedal tavern that takes you form one brewery to the next in a way you could only dream up.

On this two-hour ride, you a max of eight of your closest pals, will pedal around the beautiful streets of Portland, stopping at breweries or pubs along the way—a total three different ones to be exact—where you can sample some of the best beers in Portland.

BrewCycle offers several different packages with all sorts of consumers (of beer. Bad joke Moving on). Choose the Dive Bar Route to visit two of the most classic bars in Portland as well as one brewery. Or there’s the Old Portland Route, which will take you through the magical lands of Old Portland, Chinatown, and the Pearl. Maybe you want to book the Triple Threat Route, which gives you a little taste of everything, with trips to a cidery, brewery and a beer hall.

There’s really a route for all occasions. It’s truly the perfect event for whatever the reason is that you’re in Portland. Bachelorette party? BrewCycle. Birthday party? BrewCycle. Just want a fun, unique day out with friends? Say it with us now: BrewCycle.

“I wanted it to be more than just your standard pub crawl,” said founder of BrewCycle, Andrea Lewis. “I wanted people to experience and enjoy the passion behind the craft beer industry that is Portland.”

BrewCycle costs $35 per person on Fridays and Saturdays and $30 per person Sundays through Thursdays. You also buy your own beer at each stop. Pretty good deal if you ask us!

One of the biggest concerns people have? How much leg power they need to use after drinking. Don’t worry—the pedal tavern goes as fast or slowly as you’d like. If you’re tired, just stop pedaling for a bit and let the others do the work! (Not to mention there’s a driver, and they have the majority of the control.)

If pedaling is definitely not your thing though, the company also offers “BrewBarge,” Portland’s only pedal powered vessel, which can hold 14 people. Pedal along the waters of the Wiillamette River with beer in hand, friend by your side, and the wind through your hair. Does it get any better—or more Portland—than that?

How cool does this sound? Does this sound like something you might be up for? Book your BrewCycle trip here!

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