We’ve all heard of off-grid homes that are, essentially, self-sustaining structures, but, did you know that there is also a parenting technique by the same name? Off-grid parenting, sometimes known as ‘free range’ parenting, is a controversial trend that has its original roots in attachment parenting styles.

According to the Unconventional Parent, off-grid parenting describes “a style of unconventional parenting which seeks to embrace the wild spirit in the child by immersing them in nature, recognising their innate intelligence and fostering autonomous, respectful relationships.”

The very person who coined this term is the smiling face pictured above, the woman breastfeeding her 5-year-old child. Her name is Adele Allen and she, along with her husband Matt Allen, strive to live their lives in such a way that their parenting is not dictated by societal norms or even the modern education system.

So, what does off-grid parenting look like, exactly? The Brighton, UK family says that they look like any other family–but they just go about raising their children in a more natural way.

Amazingly, this started for the Allens when Adele first learned that she was pregnant with their first child, Ulysses. Adele knew right away that she wanted to have a completely natural birth, entirely free from any modern medical intervention. She did this again for the birth of her second child, Ostara, too.

Now, when we say NO medical intervention, we mean none whatsoever. In fact, the mother fully subscribed to the Lotus Birth method in which the placenta remains attached to the newborn until it falls away on its own. In addition to the unusual birth choices, Adele also says that she has no interest in weaning her children off of breastfeeding, and would rather it be a “mutual decision” between her and her children. Currently, Ulysses is five-years-old and has decided that he is still interested in breastfeeding.

In an interview with Metro, Adele explains a bit more about her son’s breastfeeding journey. “Ulysses does still nurse from time to time,” the off-grid mom says. “Since the baby came along it has decreased rapidly and we had to come to a mutual understanding that it needed to graduate down a bit, but then I wasn’t willing to say, ‘no you need to stop now’.”

The children are set to be homeschooled and both Adele and Matt feel that their children will benefit from a more free-form learning “structure,” in which there are no timelines for mastering basics topics like reading or arithmetic. This means virtually no rules or discipline for the growing minds.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the Allens have received quite a bit of pushback from their community. The family has revealed that they have even been evicted from their apartment due to their unconventional parenting style.

Talk about an unorthodox way of raising children! To learn more about off-grid parenting and to meet the fascinating Allen family, be sure to watch the video below.

We can’t wait to hear your thoughts on off-grid parenting and the Allens. Had you previously heard of off-grid parenting? If so, are you a believer in it? Do you subscribe to an unconventional parenting style?

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