To become a news anchor, you have to pretty passionate about news. At least, that’s why John Brown, News Anchor from the FOX 35 morning show, decided to become one anyway.

But the news isn’t how it used to be. In the modern day, with social media and the like, people can make any trivial thing into a news story. You know what we mean: we constantly see stories about what a celebrity ate for breakfast or how much they spent on their new shoes (and where to buy a cheaper pair for yourself, of course).

While some people enjoy hearing about this type of “news,” others might argue whether these things are really newsworthy and why reporters waste their time talking about such silly things.

Sometimes even the news anchor roll their eyes at some of the non-important things they have to report on.

When Brown realized he was going to have to report on yet another silly thing a Kardashian sister did, he lost his mind—and absolutely refused. In fact, he was so frustrated, that he actually stormed off the air—during a live show, we might add—in a huff!

“You’re on your own,” he said to his co-host as get up and walked off screen. “I’ve had enough Kardashians—I can’t take any more Kardashians!”

The story he refused to report on? That Kylie Jenner named her rabbit Bruce, which is her father’s name. We know: Riveting.

In an effort to get Brown to come back on screen and care about the story, she tried to put himself in someone else’s shoes: “How would you like it if your daughter named her pet John?” she asked.

“I don’t care!” he said. “This family—I’m sick of this family! It’s a non-story!”

Even the reporter realized how silly her question was and giggled. “I agree you,” she admitted.

Even though Brown had stepped out and a new reporter quickly came on screen to take over the story, Brown was still very much involved in the conversation. He continued to go on a rant about how much he can’t stand the fame that the Kardashians are constantly getting—for nothing newsworthy.

“I wanna have a good Friday!” he raised his voice from off screen. ”I don’t want to talk about the Kardashians! Nobody cares about the Kardashians!”

Gee, tell us how you really feel, Mr. Brown!

Brown continued to share his anger about the whole scenario from the background. “Nobody cares about ‘em!” he yelled. “That’s enough of these guys!”

“Breathe!” his cohosts quipped at him, trying to get him to calm down.

That’s the last time anyone gave Brown a Kardashian story to report on. To see how the whole rant went down, check out the video below.

What are your thoughts on how this reporter reacted to having to talk about the Kardashians once more? Do you enjoy hearing about news of this nature, or do you agree there are more important things to talk about?

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