Adults often tend to think that little children have a lot to learn, and that’s true when it comes to things like reading, writing and arithmetic; however, when it comes to things that are arguably even more important, like the way we treat other people, sometimes adults could learn a lot from watching little children.

In 2016, a mom named Ayanna Toye Barrows shared a story on the Love What Matters Facebook page that captivated the hearts of many readers. It was shared 54,000 times and liked or loved 264,000 times.

The post included a photo of her daughter with another little boy, but it was the story behind the photo and the deeper meaning Barrows got from the photo that resonated with so many.

Barrows shared that the photo was taken in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, where she was on vacation with her daughter. They were taking a walk together at sunset when “this adorable and sweet little boy comes walking right up” to her daughter. He tells her about his shark tooth necklace. He tells her his name, and he asks for her name. The two talk and walk together, enjoying each other’s company.

Barrows wrote, “I asked his mother for permission to take this picture and this was the result. No one positioned them, told them to smile and there was absolutely no hesitation on their part at all.”

The adorable photo shows the little boy and little girl smiling at the camera, their arms around each other, not a care in the world.

While the photo is a cute memory, it is much more than that to Barrows. She wrote, “This is a moment that we humans understand as just simply seeing no color lines, no judgement, no race, no hate, no shades. It’s just pure….two kids meeting on a sunset walk without a care in the world…all they saw was each other.”

Barrows believes the “world would be a much better place if we acted like these two kids,” and many people who saw this post agree. Many of the comments include stories similar to the one Barrows shared. Watch the video below to learn more about Barrows’ story and to hear some other similar stories people shared in the comments.

Do you think children have an easier time than adults ignoring physical differences and simply seeing each other for who they really are?

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